Fleischmann, Charles Louis d. 10 Aug 1890 84 yrs. R 38 S 60
Fleischman. In this city on Sunday, August 10, 1890, Charles Louis Fleischman, aged 84 years, a native of Bavaria, but for many years a resident of Washington. His funeral will take place from his late residence, Meyer's Hotel, 470 Pennsylvania avenue, Monday afternoon, August 11, at 4:30 o'clock.

  Fleischmann, Eliza Louise d. 13 Nov 1839 2 yrs. 6 mos. R 38 S 58
Fleischman. On Wednesday, the 13th instant, Eliza Louise, daughter of C. Lewis and Lucille Fleischman, aged 2 years and 6 months.
  Fleischmann, Estelle d. 30 Dec 1909 7 mos. R 9 S 19