Maj. Gen. George C. Gibson
(b. 1 Sep 1775 - d. 30 Sep 1861)

{Congressional Cemetery, DC: Range 56 Site 140)

The 11th Quartermaster General of the U.S. Army serving from 1816-1818. He was an infantry officer in the War of 1812 and served under Andrew Jackson in the Seminole Indian campaign. After the office of Quartermaster General was reorganized he was appointed Commissary General of Subsistence which post he held until his death at age 86.

The Evening Star, October 2, 1861
The Funeral of General Gibson
The noticeable features of a military funeral drew many spectators additional to the large number of sorrowing friends gathered this morning to witness the funeral ceremonies of the late Major General George C. Gibson.

The corpse had been placed in a handsome silver mounted coffin covered with blue cloth, decorated with tasteful wreaths of white flowers, roses and camellias, and draped in the wide folds of the American flag. It occupied the center of the modestly furnished office room upstairs, used by the General in life.

Amongst those present at the funeral were President Lincoln, Secretaries Seward and Smith, Gen. Scott, (who stood uncovered in the open air for some time, the cynosure of all eyes, while the procession was forming,) Gen. McClellan, and many other personages of civic and military note.

The escort was formed in front of the late residence of the deceased, 217 F street at 11 o'clock this morning, and from thence the procession moved down F street to Twelfth street, down Twelfth street to Pennsylvania avenue, and thence to the Congressional Burying Ground, in the following order:

Funeral Escort in Column of March

Regiment of Infantry

Squadron of Cavalry

Battery of Light Artillery

Brigadier General Andrew Porter, Command of the Escort and Staff

The Clergy of the District and Surgeon General of the Army

Officiating Clergy, and Medical Attendants of the Deceased

Brig. Gen. Casey   Brig. Gen. McCall
Brig. Gen. Sherman The Brig. Gen. Heintzelman
Brig. Gen. Thomas Hearse Brig. Gen. Mansfield
Commodore Smith   Commodore Shubrick

The relatives and friends of the Deceased

The General-in-Chief of the Army and Staff

The General Staff of the Army

Officers of the Army

Officers of the Navy and Marine Corps

Survivors of the War of 1812

Clerks of the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence

The President of the United States (Lincoln) and Members of the Cabinet

The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court and District Judges of the United States

The President and Secretary of the Senate, Senators, and Officers of the Senate

Foreign Ministers and Suites

Members and Officers of the House of Representatives

Justices and Officers of the Court of Claims

Members of the Sanitary Commission

Societies and Fraternities

Citizens and Strangers

At the Congressional burying ground the services were to be conducted by Rev. Dr. Hall, and the usual salute was to be fired.

The Evening Star, October 5, 1861
A Tribute to the Memory of a Brave Officer
On the occasion of the funeral obsequies of Major General George Gibson, on Wednesday morning last, while Griffin's Battery and several companies of cavalry were drawn up in front of the cemetery gate presenting arms, as the corpse was borne in front of the 3d United States Infantry. Lining the carriage way leading to the tomb, Colonel Fellows' Third Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers quietly formed in its encampment, close by, and marching to the rear of the battery and the cavalry, extended its line and remained at respectful attention until the closing of the ceremonies.