Colonel Truman Cross
(b. 3 Apr 1796 - d. 10 Apr 1846)

{Congressional Cemetery, DC: Range 39 Site 141)

U.S. Army, Assistant Quartermaster General. Killed by bandits a few days before the outbreak of the Mexican War.

The National Intelligencer, April 30, 1846
The last advices from the camp of General Taylor, on the Rio Grande, mention the mysterious disappearance, a few days before, of Colonel Cross, Assistant Quartermaster General of the Army. He had ridden out from camp, and nothing authentic afterwards had been heard of him, although several parties of dragoons had been sent out in search, and it was believed that he had been captured and carried into the interior of the Mexican country. A negro, indeed, who had been seized in the vicinity by a party of dragoons under Captain May, admitted that he knew the fact; but the Mexican officers, who had brought a message from General Ampudia to General Taylor, stated that Colonel Cross was not in Matamoras, nor was any thing known there of his capture.

The National Intelligencer, May 7, 1846
Nothing further is known of Colonel Cross. Lieutenant Deas, who crossed the Rio Grande in search of him, had fallen into the hands of the Mexicans. There are various rumors in town in regard to skirmishes between the Mexican and American forces, but we have not been able to trace them to any authentic source.

The National Intelligencer, May 9, 1846
Further News from the Army
The New Orleans papers bring us later intelligence from the Army on the Rio Grande, including the melancholy news of the death of Col. Truman Cross, late of this city, whose fate will be deeply lamented by many of our citizens. It will be observed that, though some allowance should be made for exaggerated reports, the general complexion of the news is so warlike that it would seem almost impossible for the two armies much longer to avoid a direct conflict.

The National Intelligencer, May 22, 1846

To The Memory Of My Lamented Friend, Col. Truman Cross
     By John S. Moore

When Victory smiles upon the hero dying,
And glory stands beside his sable bier,
They who have known him can restrain a tear
Which glitters in the eye, and gaze unsighing
On the last relics of the loved and lost,
So nobly shrouded for the Soldier's grave;
Thus Spartan Mothers looked upon the brave,
Nor curst the victory gained at such a cost;
Thus might Columbia, if her cherished son
Had fallen in battle, with his steadfast eye
In death illumined by the mingled cry
Of foeman's rout and victory nobly won;
But now she only weepeth o'er her loss,
And stands chief mourner at the grave of Cross.
     Georgetown, May 20, 1846

The National Intelligencer, November 9, 1846
The Late Col. Truman Cross
The announcement in the newspapers of the arrival of the mortal remains of the lamented Col. Cross in this city as a place of final repose, reminds an old, sincere, and ardent friend so sensibly of his amiable character and shining virtues, that he cannot reconcile it to himself to permit the melancholy occasion to pass by without offering his humble tribute in testimony of the excellence and sterling worth which distinguished the murdered Cross in all the relations of life. To say that he was chivalrous, brave, prompt, honorable, and scrupulously upright and honest in the discharge of all his public duties, is only to reiterate what the records of the public service and the knowledge of his fellow-laborers in that service for the last thirty-five years unite in proclaiming with one universal accord. In this interesting chapter of his history the writer deems it superfluous further to venture. The records of the War Department and the testimony of all those under the supervision and direction of that office will fully vindicate the claims of his memory to the gratitude of his country.

It is the relations of private life and business intercourse to which the writer may refer in the exercise of the sacred office of disinterested friendship in all its latitude, for it was in these that he knew him long and knew him well, and feels that it is no disparagement, even to the most exemplary, to ascribe to his much-lamented friend the most exalted measure of the social virtues and sterling worth, indeed, it may with truth be said that the strongest impulses of his nature were those of a noble generosity and a justly discriminating charity -- many pleasing instances of his exercise of these sublime virtues having come to the knowledge of his old friend, sometimes against his will. Of the qualities of his mind little need be said; all who knew him would at once discover that he possessed a mind of no ordinary cast. Sagacious, penetrating, rapid, and accurate in perception, he seldom failed in his undeviating pursuit of just conclusions. For the untimely loss, by the dastard hand of the assassin too, of such a man, family, relatives, friends, and country may well mourn.

The re-interment of the remains of the late Colonel Cross, will take place this morning at 11 o'clock, from the residence of his family, in Franklin Row. The following is the order of procession:

Order of Procession:

Escort of Volunteer Corps

The Reverend Clergy


Remains of Col. Cross

Family and relatives of the deceased

Officers of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Volunteers

President of the United States (Polk)

Members of the Senate of the United States (now in the city)

Members of the Cabinet

Members of the House of Representatives (now in the city)

Civil Officers of the General Government

The Mayor (Seaton) and Municipal Officers


The persons above named, and citizens generally, are respectfully invited to attend without further notice.

Military and Naval Officers are requested to attend in full uniform, or, if the weather be unfavorable, in undress.

We are requested to state that if the weather should continue to be inclement today, the Funeral ceremonies will be postponed.