Hon. Elijah Brigham
(b. 7 Jul 1751 - d. 22 Feb 1816)

{Congressional Cemetery, DC: Range 30 Site 14)

A Representative from Massachusetts. Graduated from Dartmouth College in 1889. Studied law but engaged in mercantile pursuits. Elected as a Federalist to the 12th, 13th, and 14th Congresses and served from 1811 until his death.

The National Intelligencer, February 23, 1816
In Senate
...On motion of Mr. Varnum, it was Resolved unanimously, That the Senate will attend the funeral of the Hon. Elijah Brigham, late a member of the House of Representatives from the State of Massachusetts, tomorrow at twelve o'clock; and as a testimony of respect for the memory of the deceased, they will go into mourning, and wear a black crape, on the left arm, for thirty days. The Senate then adjourned.

House of Representatives
... Mr. Pickering rose and announced to the House, the death of the Hon. Elijah Brigham, a Member of this House from the state of Massachusetts. Mr. Pickering then moved resolutions:

To appoint a committee of arrangement for the funeral of the deceased:

  • That the Members of this House wear crape on the left arm, for one month, in testimony of respect for the memory of the deceased:
  • That the Members of the House attend the funeral tomorrow, at twelve o'clock:
  • That the Senate be invited to join the funeral ceremonies; and
  • That when the House adjourned, it should adjourn to Saturday next.

    Which resolutions were severally agreed to, unanimously. The House then adjourned.

  • The National Intelligencer, Saturday, February 24, 1816
    Died. At his Lodgings in this City, on Thursday morning, the Hon. Elijah Brigham, a Representative in Congress, from the state of Massachusetts. His illness was but short, as he attended the House on Monday. He was considerably advanced in years; and had for many years filled various public offices, Legislative and Executive, in Massachusetts, with the respect of all parties, and the particular approbation of his political friends as a judicious, upright and faithful man. He was yesterday interred with those honors due to his public station and private merit.