Willis, California (Callie) C. d. 25 Mar 1922 66 yrs. R 89 S 134
Willis. On Saturday, March 25, 1922, at the residence of her daughter, 1402 W street northwest, Mrs. M. California Willis, beloved mother of Lee, Lyla, Viola, Jessica, Cleveland and Meloni Willis. Funeral from the chapel of James T. Ryan, 317 Pennsylvania avenue southeast, on Tuesday, March 28, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Congressional cemetery.
  Willis, Charles W. d. 28 Nov 1893 44 yrs. R 58 S 115
Willis. On Tuesday, November 28, 1893, at 8 a.m., Charles W. Willis, in the 45th year of his age. A native of Boston. Funeral from his late residence, 1002 25th street northwest, on Thursday, November 30, at 9 o'clock a.m. Requiem high mass at St. Stephen's Church. Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attend. Interment at Holy Rood.
  Willis, Elizabeth Bailey d. 11 May 1863 79 yrs. R 77 S 152
Willis. On the 11th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Rainbow Willis in the 80th year of her age. The friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend her funeral on tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at half past 2 o'clock from the residence of her daughter Mrs. Jane Bright G street south between 11th and 12th streets east.

  Willis, Florence E. d. 22 Aug 1889 1 yr. 8 mos. R 1 S 134
Willis. On August 22, 1889 at 2 a.m., Florence E., infant daughter of C.D. and C.M. Willis, aged 20 months. Funeral will take place from parents residence, Harrison street, Anacostia, Sunday afternoon 3 p.m. Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attend.
  Willis, Ida Shepherd d. 27 Sep 1944 74 yrs. R 53 S 196
Willis, Ida Shepherd. On Wednesday, September 27, 1944, at Luray, Va., Ida Shepherd Willis, beloved wife of Lewis Willis, daughter of the late Elizabeth Page Miller. Committal services at grave, Congressional Cemetery, Saturday, September 30, at 2 p.m.
  Willis, Jane F. d. 24 Sep 1880 79 yrs. R 87 S 223
Willis. Departed this life, on September 24th, 1880, at 3:30 o'clock, Jane F. Willis, in the 80th year of her age. Funeral will take place from her late residence, No. 911 E street southeast, Sunday, September 26 at 3 o'clock p.m. Friends and relatives are invited to attend.
  Willis, Johanna d. 1 Apr 1923 82 yrs. R 58 S 115
Willis. April 1, 1923, at Ruppert Home, Anacostia, D.C., Johanna Willis, an inmate for over thirteen years. Funeral from Clement's undertaking parlors, 1241 Wisconsin ave., Tuesday, April 3, at 3 p.m.
  Willis, Lydia E. d. 13 May 1919 60 yrs. R 70 S 312
Willis. On Tuesday, May 13, 1919 at Casualty Hospital, Mrs. L. Emily Windsor Willis daughter of the late Capt. John Windsor. Funeral services at the parlors of Harry V. Bosse Co., Thursday, May 15, 3:30 p.m. Friends invited to attend. Interment private.