VanDoren, Charlotte Augusta d. 15 Sep 1923 68 yrs. R 83 S 316
VanDoren. September 15, 1923 at 647 East Capitol street, Miss Charlotte Augusta, daughter of the late Rev. William T. and the late Jane Aletta Van Doren. Notice of funeral hereafter.

  VanDoren, Emma May d. 20 Jan 1928 45 yrs. R 84 S 316
VanDoren. On Friday, January 20, 1928, at 9:45 a.m., Emma May, daughter of John A. and Sarah F. VanDoren. Funeral from her late residence, 629 Massachusetts ave. n.e. on Monday, January 23 at 2:30 p.m. Interment at Congressional Cemetery.
  VanDoren, Jane A. DeGraw d. 7 Jun 1899 84 yrs. 7 mos. 28 days R 83 S 317
VanDoren. On Wednesday, June 7, 1899 at 10:10 a.m. after a long illness, Mrs. Jane A. VanDoren, widow of William T. VanDoren in the 84th year of her age. Funeral services will be held at 647 East Capitol Street, Friday, June 9 at 4:30 p.m.

  VanDoren, John A. d. 11 May 1894 50 yrs. R 84 S 315
VanDoren. At 10 a.m., on Friday, May 11, 1894, of heart disease at his residence, 629 Massachusetts avenue northeast, John Addison VanDoren, in the 51st year of his age. Funeral services will be held under the auspices of Lincoln Post, No. 3, G.A.R., at 4:30 p.m., Monday, May 14, 1894, at his late residence, 629 Massachusetts avenue northeast. Comrades and friends invited to attend; also members of St. John's Commandery, Knights of the Golden Cross. Interment at Congressional cemetery.
  VanDoren, Mary Emma d. 26 May 1880 30 yrs. 5 mos. R 83 S 315
VanDoren. At sunset Wednesday, May 26, 1880, Mary Emma daughter of Rev. William Theo. and Jane A.VanDoren aged 30 years 5 months. Funeral from the Metropolitan Presbyterian Church corner 4th and B streets s.e. tomorrow (Friday) at 4:30 p.m.

  VanDoren, Mary Goodwin d. 27 Dec 1896 R 84 S 317
VanDoren. At Columbus, Miss., on December 27, 1896, Mary G. Van Doren, widow of W.T. VanDoren, Jr. Funeral from residence of Mrs. J.A. VanDoren, No. 674 E. Capitol street on Wednesday, December 30 at 3 p.m.
  VanDoren, Sarah F. d. 20 Jun 1916 69 yrs. R 84 S 315
VanDoren. On Tuesday, June 20, 1916, Sarah Frances, widow of John Addison VanDoren, aged 69 years. Funeral services at 3 p.m. Thursday, June 22 at her late residence, 629 Massachusetts avenue northeast.
  VanDoren, William Thomas (Sr.) d. 20 Dec 1885 66 yrs. R 83 S 317
VanDoren. On Sunday, December 20, 1885, Rev. W.T. VanDoren aged 66 years. Funeral from the Metropolitan Presbyterian Church, Capitol Hill, Tuesday, December 22d at 2 p.m. Friends and relatives invited (New York papers please copy).
