Thayer, Carrie E. d. 1 Jun 1905 43 yrs. 1 mo. 19 days R 25 S 45
Thayer. On Thursday, June 1, 1905 at 1:55 p.m., Carrie E., the beloved wife of Nelson C. Thayer and daughter of the late Charles and Elizabeth C. Gessford. Funeral Monday, June 5 at 2 o'clock from the Fifth Baptist Church, E street near 7th southwest (Baltimore papers please copy).
  Thayer, Charles Wesley b. 28 Sep 1864 - d. 22 Dec 1921 64 yrs. R 53 S 270
Thayer. Thursday, December 22 1921, at his residence, 211 East Caitol st., Charles W., beloved husband of Hattie Thayer. Remains are resting at Zurhorst's funeral parlors, 301 East Capitol st. Notice of time of service later.

  Thayer, Elizabeth A. d. 13 Feb 1880 R 74 S 133
Thayer. February 13, 1880, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Thayer. Funeral Saturday, February 14 at 2 p.m. from her late residence, No. 317 New Jersey ave. s.e. to which the friends are cordially invited (Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. Papers please copy).
  Thayer, Hattie Pray d. 6 Mar 1924 73 yrs. R 53 S 270
Thayer. At Long Island, New York, Hattie Pray, wife of the late Charles W. Thayer. Funeral services at Zurhorst's parlors, 301 East Capitol street, on Saturday, March 8, at 3 p.m. Interment in Congressional cemetery.
  Thayer, Lillian Estelle d. 12 Feb 1918 18 days R 25 S 45
Thayer. On February 12, 1918 at 11:55 p.m., Lillian Estelle, beloved infant of Raymond M. and Mabel V. Thayer. Funeral services at her late residence, 1352 Brentwood Road northeast, February 14 at 2 p.m.
  Thayer, Nelson C. d. 11 Oct 1913 57 yrs. R 25 S 45
Thayer. Suddenly Saturday, October 11, 1913, Nelson C. Thayer, beloved husband of the late Carrie E. Thayer. Funeral services at his late residence, 3145 P street n.w., Tuesday, October 14 at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends are invited to attend.