Tenley, Fannie d. 27 Apr 1910 49 yrs. R 58 S 296
Tenley. On Wednesday, April 27, 1910, Fannie Tenley, wife of the late Andrew F. Tenley.
     Our mother dear, she's at rest.
          By Her Children
Funeral from her late residence, 2223 10th st, n.w., Friday, April 29 at 10 a.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery. Funeral private.
  Tenley, Martha Fannie Mattie d. 16 Nov 1883 1 yr. 3 mos. 6 days R S
Tenley. Suddenly on Friday, November 16, 1883 at 1:05 p.m., Martha Fannie Mattie Tenley, aged 15 months 6 days, only child of Fannie and Andrew F. Tenley.
     Weep not for the babe, its sorrows suppressed
     Weep not for the babe, 'tis gone to its rest
     'Twas a sweet little flower, too lovely to stay
     In the world's chilling blast, so it happened away.
          By Her Mother
Funeral to take place at 110 B street northwest on Sunday, 18th inst. at 2 p.m.