Stumph, Lewis d. 10 Oct 1871 R 8 S 74
* * * Removed to Rock Creek Cemetery, DC, 8 Apr 1895 * * *

  Stumph, Thomas B. d. 30 Jan 1884 67 yrs. R 8 S 73
* * * Removed to Rock Creek Cemetery, DC, 8 Apr 1895 * * *

Stumph. On Wednesday, January 30th, 1884 at 4:30 p.m., of pneumonia, Thomas B. Stumph, aged 67 years. The remains will be taken from No. 636 Massachusetts avenue to Ascension church, where services will be held at 2 o’clock, Saturday afternoon, February 2d.
  Stumph, Thomas W. d. 10 Apr 1872 21 yrs. R 8 S 73
* * * Removed to Rock Creek Cemetery, DC, 8 Apr 1895 * * *

Stumph. On the 10th inst., in this city, Thomas W. Stumph, in the 22d year of her age. The funeral will take place from the residence of his father, No. 311 Pennsylvania ave. east at 3 p.m., April 12.