Stephen, David L. | d. 22 Oct 1919 | 64 yrs. | R 14 S 261 | |
Stephen. Suddenly, Wednesday, October 22, 1919, David L., beloved husband of Della Stephen (nee Langley), father of Mrs. Mae D. Hardester and Agnes C. Stewart, in his 65th year. Funeral from his late residence, 4200 Ga. Ave. n.w., Saturday, October 25, at 2 p.m. Interment at Congressional Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Stephen. Members of Anacostia Council, No. 16, Junior Order United American Mechanics, are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, D.L. Stephen, from his late residence, 4200 Ga. Ave. n.w. at 2 o'clock, October 25. Stephen. Members of Independent Council, Daughters of America, are requested to meet at 4200 Georgia ave., Saturday, October 25, 1919, 1:30 o'clock, to attend the funeral of our late brother, David Stephen.
Emma Streator, Councilor.