Simmons, Alberta B. d. 12 Jun 1883 1 yr. 4 mos. 1 day R 75 S 144
Simmons. On June 12, 1883, at 10 o'clock p.m., of scarlet fever, Alberta Blanche, only child of Harry O. and L. Blanche Simons, aged 16 months and 1 day. Funeral services at Epiphany Church, Thursday, June 14, at 4 p.m.
  Simmons, Anne Mae d. 15 Jun 1974 79 yrs. R 31A S 102
Simmons, Annie Mae. On Saturday, June 15, 1974, Mrs. Annie Mae Simmons, 736 Langston Terr. n.e., beloved mother of two sons. Also survived by one brother, host of other relatives, many friends. Family will receive friends at the Manor Park Funeral Service, 6201 3rd st. n.w., Thursday, June 20 from 6 to 9:30 p.m. where services will be held Friday, June 21 at 11 a.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery, the Rev. Thomas Taylor officiating.
  Simmons, Catharine d. 20 Feb 1890 R 43 S 42
Simmons. At 7:08 o'clock p.m., February 20, 1890, Catherine, beloved wife of John Simmons. Funeral will take place on Sunday evening at 2 o'clock from her late residence, 1320 Eleventh street southeast. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend.
  Simmons, Elmore S. d. 23 Mar 1914 56 yrs. R 147 S 202
Simmons. On Monday, March 23, 1914 at her home, 940 B street s.w. Elenor S., widow of Eugene B. Simmons. Funeral private (Philadelphia, Baltiore, St. Marys and Prince George's County papers please copy).
  Simmons, Eloise b. 10 Feb 1799 - d. 7 Feb 1828 28 yrs. R 71 S 226
Simmons. In this city on the 7th instant, Mrs. Eloisa Simmons, consort of Mr. William Simmons of Norlfolk, Va. A violent pleurisy of only a week’s duration was the cause of death, which has bereft her husband of his bosom friend and four helpless children of the tenderest of mothers. They are too young to be sensible of their loss, but he feels that his is forever irreparable.
  Simmons, Esther M. d. 30 Apr 1968 74 yrs. R 148 S 262
Simmons, Esther M. On Tuesday, April 30, 1968, at the Cafritz Memorial Hospital, Esther M. Simmons, beloved wife of the late George H. Simmons, mother of Mrs. Eleanor F. Davis and sister of Mrs. Ruth E. Pitts and Mrs. Emma J. Coxen; grandmother of Sister Marie Consolette. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home, 4th st. and Mass. Ave. ne., where services will be held on Saturday, May 4, at 11:30 a.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
  Simmons, Eugene B. d. 25 Apr 1906 44 yrs. R 147 S 202
Simmons. On Wednesday, April 25, 1906, Eugene B., beloved husband of Ellen Simmons. Funeral on Saturday, April 28 at 2:30 p.m. from is late residence, 940 B street southwest. Friends and relatives invited to attend (Charles Co. papers please copy).
  Simmons, George B. d. 23 Jan 1888 1 yr. 11 mos. 10 days R 117 S 184
Simmons. On the 23d of January, 1888, after a long and painful illness, George B. Simmons, aged 23 months and 10 days.
Safe in the arms of Jesus.
Funeral from the residence of his parents, No. 1107 Park Place northeast, Wednesday afternoon, at three o'clock. Relatives and friends invited to attend.
  Simmons, George H. d. 11 Mar 1927 R 148 S 262
Simmons. Departed this life on Friday, March 11, 1927, at 10:40 p.m., George H. Simmons, beloved husband of Esther M. Simmons (nee Righter) and beloved daddy of Eleanor Simmons. Funeral Monday at 2 p.m. Funeral from Nalley's undertaking parlor. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
  Simmons, Jane b. 1840 - d. 1 Oct 1920 80 yrs. R 117 S 185
Simmons. Friday, October 1, 1920, at 7 a.m., at her home, Mount Rainier, Md., Jane, beloved widow of the late Joseph F. Simmons, in her 81st year. Funeral from her late residence, 33rd st. near Bunker Hill road, Monday, October 4 at 11 a.m. Friends and relatives invited to attend funeral service. Interment private. (Alexandria papers please copy.)

  Simmons, Joseph F. d. 17 Mar 1892 51 yrs. R 117 S 184
Simmons. On Thursday, March 17, 1892, at 11:25 a.m., of pneumonia, Josph F., beloved husband of Jane Simmons in his 52d year. Funeral from his late residence, 321 G street southeast, Sunday at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend. (Alexandria papers please copy).
  Simmons, Julia A. d. 2 Aug 1893 77 yrs. R 58 S 122
Simmons. On Wednesday, August 2, 1893 after a long and painful illness, Miss Julia A. Simmons, in the 78th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of Samuel Conner, No. 538 10th street southeast, Friday evening at 3 o'clock. Relatives and friends cordially invited.
  Simmons, Nathan R. d. 15 Nov 1911 57 yrs. R 130 S 176C-2
Simmons. On Wednesday, November 15, 1911 at 7:15 p.m., Nathan R., beloved son of the late Robert and Mary C. Simmons. Funeral will be held on Saturday, November 18 at 2 p.m. from the residence of his sister, Mrs. E.E. Smith, 3016 Cambridge place n.w. Interment Arlington cemetery by Washington Aerie, No. 125 F.O.E.
  Simmons, Robert A. d. 9 Aug 1903 26 yrs. R 117 S 184
Simmons. On Sunday, August 9, 1903 at 9:20 p.m., Robert A., beloved husband of Bessie Simmons (nee Boggs). Funeral from his mother's residence, 103 E street southeast, Wednesday, August 12 at 3 o'clock. Friends and relatives invited to attend.