Shields, Alberta A. d. 5 Nov 1926 74 yrs. R 25 S 196
Shields. On November 5, 1926, at her residence, 204 10th st. s.e., Alberta A. Shields, beloved wife of Samuel E. Shields and mother of G. Albert Scott. Funeral from W.W. Deal's funeral home, 816 H n.e., Monday, November 8, at 2 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.

Shields. A special meeting of Columbia Chapter, No. 15, O.E.S., is called for 1:30 p.m. Monday, November 8, to attend the funeral of our late sister, Mrs. Alberta A. Shields.
Mrs. Jessie S. Post, W.M.
Mrs. Freddy C. De Lesdernier, Sec'y.
  Shields, Josephine V. d. 24 Aug 1905 59 yrs. R 85 S 215
Shields. On Thursday, August 24, 1905, at 1:10 a.m., at her residence, 810 K street southeast, Josephine V., beloved wife of Samuel E. Shields, after a long and painful illness. Funeral at 2 p.m. August 26, from Christ Church, G street southeast. Interment at Congressional cemetery. Friends and relatives invited. (Baltimore papers please copy).
br/> Shields. The officers of Electra Chapter, No. 2, O.E.S., are hereby notified to be present at Masonic Hall, Anacostia, D.C., Saturday, August 26, 1905 at 1 p.m., to attend the funeral of our late sister, Josephine V. Shields.
Mrs. Annie S. Harnish, W.M.

  Shields, Mary d. 13 Sep 1865 56 yrs. R 85 S 214
Shields. On Wednesday, September 13 of consumption, Mrs. Mary Shields, widow of the late James W. Shields, Esq. of this city, aged 56 years. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral from her late residence, No. 408, 14th street west, corner of I, Friday 15th inst. at 4 o'clock p.m.
  Shields, Mary E. d. 5 Oct 1929 84 yrs. R 85 S 217
Shields, Mary E. On Saturday, October 5, 1929, at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home, Takoma, D.C., Mary E. Shields. Services from the S.H. Hines Co. funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
  Shields, Samuel E. d. 22 Dec 1936 87 yrs. 2 mos. 9 mos. R 85 S 215
Shields, Samuel E. On Tuesday, December 22, 1936, at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home, Takoma Park, D.C., Samuel E. Shields, beloved father of Mrs. Elsie S. Robinson, Mrs. George H. Copes and Mrs. William R. Ruachenstein and Mr. Bernard P. Shields. Services at the S.H. Hines Co. funeral home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Thursday, December 24, at 2 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.

Sheilds, Samuel E. A special communication of Anacostia Lodge, No. 21, F.A.A.M., has been called for Thursday, December 24, 1936, at 12:45 p.m., to attend funeral services for Past Master Samuel E. Shields. By order of the worshipful master.
J.C. Beveridge, Jr., Secretary
  Shields, Sarah b. 1800 - d. 12 Mar 1868 68 yrs. R 86 S 253
Shields. In this city on the morning of the 12th inst., Mrs. Sarah Shields, aged 68 years. Her funeral will take place at 3 o'clock, Saturday afternoon from the residence of her son-in-law, George McCauley, No. 437 5th street between D and E. Her friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.
  Shields, Thomas d. 14 Mar 1851 35 yrs. R 38 S 65
Shields. On Thursday morning after a short illness, Thomas Shields, aged 35 years. His friends and those of the family are requested to attend his funeral on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. J.P. McKean on 2d between B and C streets.