Shepperson, Addie L. d. 20 Jan 1916 R 99 S 91
Shepperson. On Thursday, January 20, 1916, at 6 o'clock a.m., at the residence of her nephew, James W. Gessford, 502 Randolph street northwest, Addie L., the beloved daughter of the late Catherine and William J. Shepperson. Funeral from the above residence on Saturday, January 22, at 3 o'clock p.m. Interment private. (Richmond, Va., papers please copy.)
  Shepperson, Blanche d. 27 Feb 1942 R 94 S 269
Shepperson, Blanche. On Friday, February 27, 1942, at her residence, 2755 Macomb st. n.w., Blanche Shepperson, beloved sister of Raymond Donaldson. Services at the Saffell funeral home, 475 H st. n.w., on Saturday, Februar 28, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
  Shepperson, Catharine d. 29 Sep 1887 58 yrs. R 2 S 91
Shepperson. On Thursday morning, September 29, 1887, Catherine, wife of W.J. Shepperson in her 59th year. Funeral from her late residence, 720 F street southwest, Saturday, October 1, 1887, at 10 a.m. Friends and relatives are invited to attend (Richmond papers please copy).
  Shepperson, Gustavus W. d. 23 Jan 1875 27 yrs. R 2 S 91
Shepperson. At Plymouth, Ohio, January 23, 1875, in the 28th year of his age, Gustavus W. Shepperson, eldest son of Catharine and William J. Shepperson, formerly of Richmond, Va. (Richmond, Va., and Logansport, Ind., papers please copy).
  Shepperson, James F. d. 21 Mar 1922 58 yrs. R 94 S 269
Shepperson. On Tuesday, March 21, 1922, at his residence, 908 Q street northwest, James F., beloved husband of Blanche E. Shepperson. Funeral from his late residence, on Friday, March 24, at 2 p.m. Interment at Congressional Cemetery.

  Shepperson, LeRoy Poulton d. 26 Aug 1886 3 mos. 21 days R 91 S 105
Shepperson. On Thursday, August 26, 1886 at 11:45 a.m., LeRoy Poulton, infant son of James F. and Blanche E. Shepperson, aged 3 months 21 days. Funeral will be held at the residence of his grandfather, 235 13th street southwest, Friday at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited.
  Shepperson, Vivian B d. 27 May 1939 39 yrs. R 94 S 268
Shepperson, Vivian. On Sunday morning, March 28, 1939 at her residence, 2755 Macomb street n.w., Vivian Sheperson, beloved daughter of Blanche Estelle and the late James F. Shepperson. Remains will rest at the Saffell funeral home, 475 H street n.w. until Wednesday morning. Funeral from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. William Montgomery, 6200 Nebraska ave. n.w., Wednesday, May 31 at 10:30 a.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.

  Shepperson, William J. d. 6 Sep 1905 77 yrs. 8 mos. 21 days R 2 S 91
Shepperson. On Wednesday morning, September 6, 1905, William J. Shepperson of Richmond, Va. Funeral from his late residence, 248 9th street northeast, September 8 at 2 p.m. Friends and relatives invited to attend (Richmond papers please copy).
