Samson, Abisha b. 1784 - d. 24 Jun 1861 77 yrs. R 40 S 53
Sampson. On Monday, 24th inst. At the residence of his son, Rev. G.W. Sampson, at Columbian College, D.C., Rev. A. Sampson in the 78th year of his age. The friends of the family are requested to attend his funeral at E st. Baptist Church tomorrow (Tuesday) at 4 1/2 o'clock.

[Note: Listed as blind in the 1860 census.]
  Samson, Elizabeth d. 1 Feb 1845 7 mos. R 40 S 51
Samson. In this city on the 1st instant, Elizabeth, aged 7 months, daughter of Rev. G.W. and Elizabeth Samson.
  Samson, Elizabeth (Betty) b. 2 Jul 1859 - d. 11 Nov 1926 66 yrs. R 40 S 54
Samson. Entered into rest, November 11, 1926 at the home of her niece, Mrs. Charles E. Osgood, Kensington, Md., Elizabeth Samson, born July 2, 1859 in Washington, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George Whitfield Samson. She leaves many near and distant friends and relatives. Private funeral services and burial Wednesday, 2 p.m. at the chapel, Congressional Cemetery, Washington, DC.

  Samson, Mehetabel K. b. Nov 1780 - d. 3 Jul 1845 64 yrs. 8 mos. R 40 S 52
Samson. In this city on Thursday morning, Mrs. Mehetabel M. Samson, wife of Rev. A. Samson, aged 64 years and 8 months. Her funeral will be attended on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from the residence of her son, Rev. G.W. Samson on 9th street between H and I.