Ruff, Albert George d. 3 Dec 1941 79 yrs. R 58 S 183
Ruff, A. George. On Wednesday, December 3, 1941, at his residence, 1431 Decatur st. n.w., A. George Ruff, beloved husband of Julia W. Ruff and father of the late Mrs. Julia Rice. Services at the S.H. Hines Co. funeral home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Friday, December 5, at 1:30 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.

  Ruff, Bernice Gertrude d. 11 Oct 1952 80 yrs. R 76 S 176
Ruff, B. Gertrude. On Saturday, October 11, 1952, at Garfield Hospital, B. Gertrude Ruff of 500 Chillum rd., Hyattsville, Md., wife of the late F. Albert Ruff and sister of the Miss Eva M. Crump. Also survived by three nieces. Viola and Hattie Goodrich of Washington; Mrs. Thomas R. Ennis of Baltimore, Md. Services at the S.H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. nw., on Tuesday, October 14, at 1 p.m. Interment Conressional Cemetery.

  Ruff, Dorothy A. d. 18 Jan 1884 R 53 S 180
Ruff. On Friday morning, January 18th, 1884, Dorothy A., wife of John A. Ruff. The funeral will take place from her late residence, No. 1232 Seventeenth street, Sunday, the 20th inst. at 2:30 o’clock p.m. The friends of the family are invited to attend.
  Ruff, Ethel Gertrude d. 21 Jun 1894 4 mos. 2 days R 76 S 176
Ruff. On Thursday, June 21, 1894, at 4:10 a.m., Ethel Gertrude, only and beloved child of F.A. and Bernice Gertrude Ruff, aged 4 months and 2 days. Funeral Friday, June 22, at 4 o'clock p.m., from the residence of her grandfather, James E. Crump, 625 6th street southwest. Friends and relatives are invited to attend.
  Ruff, Frederick Albert d. 29 Jan 1923 54 yrs. R 76 S 175
Ruff. Monday, January 29, 1923, at 2:45 a.m., F. Albert Ruff, beloved husband of Gertrude Crump Ruff, aged 54 years. Funeral from his late residence, 2310 1st st. n.w., Wednesday, January 31, at 1:45 p.m. Services at Rhode Island Avenue M.P. Church, corner Rhode Island ave. and 1st st., at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment at Congressional cemetery.
  Ruff, George R. d. 31 Oct 1879 59 yrs. R 52 S 177
Ruff. On the morning of Friday, October 31, 1879, George R. Ruff in the 60th year of his age. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral which will take place at his residence 748 7th street s.w. on 1st November at 3 o'clock p.m.

  Ruff, John A. d. 4 Jan 1891 68 yrs. R 53 S 181
Ruff. At his residence, No. 2033, P street northwest on Sunday morning, January 4, John A. Ruff in the 69th year of his age. The funeral service will be held at the Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church, 4 1/2 and C street streets northwest on Tuesday, January 6, at 2 o'clock p.m.

  Ruff, John N. d. 14 Apr 1885 29 yrs. R 53 S 182
Ruff. On Tuesday evening, April 14, 1885, John N. Ruff in the 30th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his father John N. Ruff in the 30th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his father, John A. Ruff, No. 1232 17th street, Thursday the 16th inst. at 4:30 o'clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend.
  Ruff, Julia M. d. 23 Sep 1950 83 yrs. R 58 S 182
Ruff, Julia. On Saturday, September 23, 1950, at her residence, 1431 Decature st. n.w., Julia Ruff, beloved wife of the late A. George Ruff. Services at the S.H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Tuesday, September 26, at 2 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.

  Ruff, Louise d. 20 Jun 1891 9 mos. 14 days R 52 S 185
Ruff. On Saturday, June 20, 1891 of cholera infantum, Louise, daughter of A.G. and Julia M. Ruff, aged 9 months 14 days. Funeral private. No flowers.
  Ruff, Ryland d. 5 Nov 1880 30 yrs. R 53 S 179
Ruff. On Friday morning, November 5 at 11 o'clock, Ryland Ruff in the 31st year of his age.

  Ruff, Sarah G. d. 2 Mar 1901 68 yrs. 4 mos. 2 days R 52 S 178
Ruff. On the morning of March 2, 1901 at the residence of her son-in-law, Madison Davis, 316 A street southeast, Mrs. Sarah J. Ruff in the 79th year of her age. Funeral service at the house, Sunday, March 3 at 3 p.m. Interment private. No flowers.

  Ruff, William R. d. 19 Jan 1928 67 yrs. R 53 S 178
Ruff. On Thursday, January 19, 1928 at 1:30 a.m. at Georgetown Hospital, William R. Ruff, son of the late John A. and Dorothy Ann Ruff. Funeral from W. Warren Taltavul's funeral home, 14th and Spring Road northwest, Saturday, January 21 at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment private.
