Ruebsam, Adolph C. | b. 22 Feb 1860 - d. 23 Feb 1925 | 65 yrs. | R 68 S 295 | |
Ruebsam. Monday, February 23, 1925, at 2 p.m., at his residence, Bethesda, Md., A.C. Ruebsam, beloved husband of Isabella V. Ruebsam. Funeral from his late residence Thursday, February 26, at 2 p.m. Interment at Congressional Cemetery. Ruebsam. A special communication of Lebanon Lodge, No. 7, F.A.A.M., is hereby called for Thursday, February 26, 1925, at 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late Brother Adolph C. Ruebsam.
Alfred Harmon, Master
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Ruebsam, Isabella V. | d. 23 Aug 1941 | 84 yrs. | R 68 S 295 | |
Ruebsam, Isabella Helmsen. On Saturday, August 23, 1941, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mortimer Counselman, 4101 Harrison st. n.w., after a short illness, Isabella Helmsen Ruebsam, beloved wife of the late Adolph C. Ruebsam. Remains resting at the above address. Funeral services at the Bethesda funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey, 700t Wisconsin ave., Tuesday, August 26, at 11 a.m. Interment at Congressional Cemetery.
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Ruebsam, Lawrence Carlisle | d. 27 Sep 1889 | 3 mos. 12 days | R 68 S 295 | |
Ruebsam. On September 27, 1889 at 1 o'clock a.m., Larence Carlisle, beloved child of A.C. and Isabella V. Ruebsam, aged 3 months 12 days. Funeral services at house, 1617 Marion street, Saturday at 3 o'clock p.m. Interment private.