Proctor, Carrie J. | d. 11 Sep 1960 | 89 yrs. | R 27 S 154 | |
Proctor, Carrie J. On Sunday, September 11, 1960, at Carroll Hall Sanitarium, Carrie J. Proctor, wife of the late Jesse W. Proctor; mother of Carry P. Proctor of California, Pa.; Harry W. Proctor of Arlington, Va.; Charles W. Proctor, Washington, D.C., and Stuart E. Proctor of Bethesda, Md. She also is survived by 10 grandchildren. Friends may call at Gawler's Chapel, 1756 Pennsylvania ave. nw. (courtesy parking corner of 18th and G sts. nw.) where services will be held on Tuesday, September 13, at 3 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
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Proctor, Emma M. | d. 22 Jan 1889 | 23 yrs. | R 7 S 110 | |
Proctor. On Tuesday, January 22, 1889, at 4:30 p.m., Emma M. Proctor, daughter of Mary A. and the late John C. Proctor. Funeral from the residence of her mother 942 Boundary street, n.w. at 2 o'clock, Thursday, January 24. Relatives and friends cordially invited.
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Proctor, James | d. 23 Oct 1874 | 32 yrs. | R 2 S 83 | |
Proctor. In this city, October 23d, after a painful illness, James K. Proctor, in the 33d year of his age.
Behold the bed of death;
His funeral will take place from Ryland Chapel tomorrow (Sunday) evening, at 3 p.m., attended by Harmony Lodge, K. of P., and Sons of Jonadab. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend. (Philadelphia papers copy).
This pale and silent clay, Heard ye the sob of parting breath? Marked ye the eye's last ray? No life so sweetly ceased to be, It lapsed in immortality. | ||||
Proctor, Jesse W. | d. 26 Apr 1947 | 75 yrs. | R 27 S 154 | |
Proctor. On Saturday, April 26, 1947, Jesse W. Proctor of 719 19th street n.w., husband of Carrie Janet Proctor and father of Gwynne R., Carey P., Harry W., Charles W. and Steuart E. Proctor. Friends may call at Gawler's Chapel, 175 Pa. ave. n.w., where services will be held on Monday, April 28, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery. Proctor. A special communication of Washington Centennial Lodge, No. 14, F.A.A.M., is called for 1:30 p.m. Monday, April 28, 1947, at the Masonic Temple, for the purpose of conducting the last Masonic rites for our late brother, Jesse W. Proctor. All members are urged to attend. Harry L. Cochran, Master,
Attest: Leland W. Warner, Sr., Sec.
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Proctor, John C. | d. 12 Jul 1876 | 43 yrs. | R 7 S 110 | |
Proctor. On Wednesday evening, July 12th, 1876, at 6:20 o'clock, after a brief illness, of typhoid fever, John C. Proctor, aged 43 years, 1 month and 16 days. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral tomorrow (Friday afternoon), at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, W and Boundary, near 9th street northwest. More | ||||
Proctor, Marie E. | d. 7 Mar 1975 | 49 yrs. | R 104 S 198 | |
Proctor, Marie Elizabeth. Suuddenly on Friday, March 7, 1795 after a long illness, Marie Elizabeth Proctor of 239 12th pl. n.e., wife of James Proctor; devoted daughter of Viola and Ralph Terrell; mother of James, Lillian, and Patricia Proctor, Mrs. Paula Pigford, Sylvia, Sheila, Rudolph and Frnacine Barnes; sister of Alice White, Myrna Jefferies, Margo, Raymond and Dwight Carroll. She also is survived by a grandfather, fourteen grandchildren.
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Proctor, Mary A. | b. 24 Mar 1839 - d. 11 Jan 1916 | 76 yrs. | R 7 S 109 | |
Proctor. Entered into peaceful rest after a brief illness at her residence, 942 Florida avenue northwest, January 11, 1916 at 2:10 a.m., Mary A. Proctor, widow of the late John C. Proctor, in the seventy-seventh year of her age. Funeral services from her late residence Thursday morning, January 13, at 11 o'clock. Interment in Congressional cemetery. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Proctor. A special meeting of Cathedral Chapter, No. 14, O.E.S., will be held in the chapter room Thursday morning, January 13, at 10 o'clock for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late sister, Mary A. Proctor. Members are requested to be present.
Nellie K. Dodge, Matron
Elizabeth R. Cornish, Secretary. |