Oyster, George d. 26 Nov 1847 58 yrs. R 45 S 76
Oyster. Near this city on the 26th instant in the 59th year of his age, George Oyster, a native of Pennsylvania but for the last 16 years a resident of the District of Columbia. His friends and acquaintances are invited to attend his funeral this (Tuesday) afternoon at 1 o'clock from his late residence, without further notice.

  Oyster, John H. d. 3 Aug 1849 24 yrs. R 45 S 74
Oyster. In Georgetown on the 3d instant of typhus fever, John H. Oyster, in the 25th year of his age, son of the late George Oyster.
  Oyster, Mary d. 11 Jan 1845 52 yrs. R 45 S 75
Oyster. Near Washington, on Saturday morning the 11th instant , Mary, wife of George Oyster in the 53d year of her age, for some years a resident of Georgetown and a native of Emmitsburg, Frederick county, Maryland.