Merritt, Fountain Alexander d. 18 May 1846 33 yrs. R 40 S 92
Merritt. In this city on Monday the 18th instant, Fountain Alexander Merritt in the 34th year of his age. The friends and acquaintances of the deceased are particularly invited to attend his funeral. This (Tuesday) evening, at 4 o'clock, from his late residence on Pennsylvania avenue, north side, near 4-1/2 street.

  Merritt, Gertrude d. 20 Jan 1968 83 yrs. R 81 S 146
  Merritt, Jessie Ferm d. 21 Jan 1906 11 yrs. 6 mos. 11 days R 12 S 138
Merritt. On Sunday, January 21 1906, Jessie F., beloved daughter of Leonard A. Merritt. Funeral from 154 F street southeast Tuesday, January 23, at 2 p.m. Interment private.
  Merritt, John G. b. 31 Oct 1837 - d. 17 Dec 1892 55 yrs. R 72 S 359
  Merritt, Lenora d. 16 Oct 1922 50 yrs. 1 mo. 22 days R 72 S 358
Merritt. Monday, October 16, 1922, at Canton, Ohio, Lennora Merritt, late of 203 8th st. n.e., Washington, D.C. Funeral services at Zurhorst's parlors, 301 East Capitol st., Wednesday, October 18, at 3:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment in Congressional cemetery.
  Merritt, Leonard Atkins d. 21 Aug 1927 66 yrs. R 12 S 139
Merritt. Suddenly, on Sunday, August 21, 1927, at his residence, 154 F st. s.e., Leonard A., beloved husband of Charlotte B. Merritt and father of Ella A. Merritt of Washington, D.C.; Pearl K Merritt of Brookyn, NY., and Iva Merritt Dench of Hoboken, N.J. Funeral services at above residence on Tuesday, Augut 23 at 3 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.

Merritt. A special communication of the New Jerusalem Lodge, No 9, F.A.A.M., will be held at Masonic Temple, 13th st. and New York ave. n.w., on Tuesday, August 23, 1927, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother, Leonard A. Merritt.
     S. Maynard Shawen, Master

  Merritt, Margaret d. 2 Mar 1846 64 yrs. R 34 S 12
Merret. On Monday, the 2d inst., Mrs. Margaret Merret, in the 65th year of her age. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral this afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late residence on 8th street.
  Merritt, Mary A. b. 1841 - d. 16 Jan 1916 73 yrs. R 72 S 360
Merritt. On January 16, 1916, 3 a.m., Mary A. Merritt, aged seventy-three years, widow of the late John G. Merritt. Funeral from her late residence, 203 8th street northeast, on Tuesday, January 18 at 2 p.m.
  Merritt, Raymond F. d. 2 Jun 1908 5 mos. 25 days R 94 S 355
Merrill. On Tuesday, June 2, 1908 at 11:45 p.m., Raymond T., beloved son of Frank and Nellie M. Merrill, aged 5 months and 25 days. Funeral will take place from the residence of his grandfather, Theodore Gates, 655 South Carolina avenue southeast on Thursday, June 4 at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend.
  Merritt, William A. d. 16 Aug 1907 35 yrs. R 72 S 361
Merritt. On Friday, August 16, 1907 at Mountain Lake Park, William Allison Merritt in his 36th year. Funeral services at his late residence, 203 8th street northeast, Monday, August 19 at 2 p.m. Interment private. (Baltimore Sun please copy).