McWilliams, Alexander d. 31 Mar 1850 75 yrs. R 32 S 26
  McWilliams, Ann d. 22 Jun 1828 R 32 S 25
McWilliams. On Sunday evening last, after a short illness, Mrs. Ann McWilliams, wife of Dr. Alexander McWilliams, of this city, and daughter of Dr. Barton Tabbs, late of St. Mary's county, Maryland. It is only those who were acquainted with the amiable and exemplary character of this excellent lady, as a wife and a mother, who can appreciate the grief of her bereaved husband and family; and those to whom the other and recent domestic afflictions of this gentleman are known will feel for his last loss a double portion of sympathy. It is his unhappy lot to be able to say, with the poet --
     Insatiate archer! could not one suffice?
     Thy staff flew thrice, and thrice my peace was slain;
     And twice ere thrice yon moon had filled her horn.
  McWilliams, Clinton d. 23 Sep 1820 12 yrs. R 32 S 24
  McWilliams, Hugh d. 27 Jul 1862 20 yrs. R 91 S 121
McWilliams. On the 27th inst. In the 21st year of his age, Hugh McWilliams, stonecutter by trade, a resident of this city. His funeral will take place on Tuesday afternoon from the hospital near Carrol Springs, Capitol Hill. His friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.
  McWilliams, Hugh d. 9 Feb 1865 23 yrs. R 91 S 119
McWilliams. On the 9th inst., Hugh McWilliams in the 24th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral on tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 2-1/2 o'clock from the residence of his brother, 230 D st. south between 3d and 4-1/2 sts.
  McWilliams, James d. 11 Sep 1860 20 yrs. R 92 S 121
McWilliams. On the 11th inst. of consumption in the 21st year of his age, James, son of James McWilliams. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral this (Wednesday) afternoon at 4 o'clock from the residence of his aunt, No. 289 B st. between 2d and 3d sts.
  McWilliams, James d. 31 Dec 1867 53 yrs. R 92 S 119
McWilliams. At his residence, 943 D street between 3rd and 4 1/2 streets, Island at 15 minutes past 5 o'clock this morning, James MacWilliam of consumption aged 53 years. His funeral will take place at 2 p.m. on Thursday, January 2, 1868. Friends and relatives are invited to attend.

  McWilliams, Margaret d. 9 Apr 1866 22 yrs. 6 mos. R 91 S 119
McWilliams. On the 9th inst. at 5:40 p.m., Margaret McWilliams, aged 22 years and 6 months. Her friends are requested to attend her funeral from her mother's residence, 270 B street between 2d and 3d on Wednesday the 11th inst. At 3 o'clock p.m.
  McWilliams, William Vernon d. 24 Nov 1863 1 yr. 6 mos. R 92 S 121
McWilliams. On the morning of the 24th inst., William Vernon, infant son of James and Sarah McWilliams, aged 1 year 6 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Wednesday afternoon, 25th inst. at 3 o'clock from the residence of his parents, corner of 3d and D streets (Island).