McKenney, Benson d. 16 Aug 1864 80 yrs. R 54 S 255
  McKenney, Charity Anna d. 25 Aug 1884 54 yrs. R 91 S 214
McKenney. On August 25, 1884, at 5:30 a.m., Mrs. Anna McKenney. Funeral will take place from Christ church, Navy Yard, on Wednesday, at 4:30 p.m. (The Evening Star, dated 26 Aug 1884)
  McKenney, Charles E. d. 29 Apr 1924 64 yrs. R 150 S 191
McKenney. April 29, 1924, Charles E. McKenney, aged 64 years. Funeral from the W.W. Deal funeral home, 816 H st. n.e., Friday, May 2, at 2 p.m. Interment at Congressional cemetery.
  McKenney, Christopher C. d. 7 Jul 1902 66 yrs. R 54 S 255
McKanney [sic], On Monday, July 7, 1902, Christopher C. McKanney, beloved husband of Marion E. McKanney. Funeral from residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Sam'l. Gee, 222 Jackson street, Anacostia, Wednesday, July 9, at 3 o'clock p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment private. (The Evening Star, dated 8 July 1902, p. 5)
  McKenney, Edward d. 22 Dec 1886 75 yrs. R 47 S 81
McKenney. Suddenly on the morning of December 22, 1886, Edward McKenney in the 75th year of his age.
     Gone but not forgotten.
Funeral from his late residence, 1218 11th street southeast. Friday afternoon, 24th inst. at 1 o'clock. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend.
  McKenney, Edward F. d. 28 Oct 1885 18 yrs. R 35 S 241
McKenney. On October 28th, 1885, at 1:30 o’clock a.m., Edward T. McKenney, eldest son of E.T. and M.V. McKenney, in the 18th year of his age.
     Dearest son, thou hast left us,
     We thy loss most deeply feel;
     But it is God who has bereft us,
     He can all our sorrows heal.

     Yet again we hope to meet thee,
     When the days of life have fled,
     And with joy in Heaven to greet thee
     Where no farewell tear is shed.
Funeral from his late residence, 526 Eleventh street southwest on Friday afternoon, at 3 o’clock. Friends and relatives are respectfully invited to attend.
  McKenney, Edward T. d. 3 Mar 1901 52 yrs. 9 mos. 22 days R 75 S 361
McKenney. Suddenly, on Sunday, March 3, 1901, at 8 o'clock p.m., at his residence, No. 620 11th street southwest, Edward T. McKenney, beloved husband of Minnie F. McKenney. Funeral from his late residence at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 6. Friends and relatives invited to attend.

  McKenney, Elizabeth Sophia d. 4 Feb 187 34 yrs. 3 mos. R 54 S 234
McKenney. On Friday at 2 p.m., Elizabeth Sophia McKenney, widow of the late Geo. W. McKenney aged 34 years 3 months of heart disease. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of her brother-in-law G street between 1st and North Capitol. The Society of the Blessed Virgin are invited.
  McKenney, George W. d. 24 Apr 1867 42 yrs. R 54 S 234
McKenney. On Wednesday, the 24th instant at 5 p.m. after a short illness, Mr. George McKenney in the 43d year of his age. His relatives and friends are requested to attend his funeral from the residence of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Mockabee, No. 661 Pennsylvania ave., near Third street east (Capitol Hill) at 2 o'clock p.m., Friday 26th inst.
  McKenney, George Washington d. 31 Mar 1870 3 yrs. 1 mo. 16 days R 65 S 72
McKenney. On the 31st ult., George Washington, aged 3 years 1 month 16 days, youngest son of Martha J. and James H. McKenney. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Saturday) at 2 o'clock p.m. from No. 36 M street near 6th Island to which the relatives and friends are invited to attend.
  McKenney, Ida Melvin d. 11 Jan 1938 82 yrs. R 46 S 15
McKenney, Ida Melvin. On Tuesday, January 11, 1938, at Garfield Hospital, Miss Ida Melvin McKenney, beloved sister of Mrs. Annie E. Kidwell of 1473 Irving st. n.w., Apt. 36. Services at the S.H. Hines Co. funeral home, 2901 14th st. n.w. on Thursday, January 13, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
  McKenney, James R. d. 16 Mar 1904 45 yrs. R 4 S 46
McKenney. On March 16, 1904 at Columbia Hospital, James, beloved husband of Maggie McKenny in the 45th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, 721 F street southwest, Sunday, March 20 at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attend.
  McKenney, Jared d. 13 Feb 1887 73 yrs. R 86 S 108
McKenney. On Sunday, February 13th, 1887, at quarter past one o'clock p.m., Jarrard McKenney, our beloved brother, aged 73 years departed this life after a short illness.
     A precious one from us has gone
     A voice we loved is stilled,
     A place is vacant in our home,
     Which never can be filled.

     God in His wisdom has recalled
     The boon His love had given;
     And though the body moulders here,
     The soul is safe in heaven.
Funeral on Thursday, at 2:30 o'clock from the residence of his oldest sister, 1307 Eleventh street southeast. Relatives and friends, and also Eagle Tent No. 2, Senior Order of Rechabites, invited to attend.
  McKenney, Laura b. 27 Dec 1852 - d. 17 Jan 1916 63 yrs. R 76 S 354
McKenney. Suddenly on Monday, January 17, 1916, at 4 o'clock a.m., at the residence of her daughter, Maude F. Banker, 300 11th street northeast, Laura, beloved wife of the late Robert V. McKenney. Funeral from above residence on Wednesday, January 19, at 2:30 p.m. Kindly omit flowers. Interment at Congressional Cemetery.
  McKenney, Leonard W. d. 15 Feb 1862 28 yrs. Public Vault
* * * Removed to MI, 5 Mar 1862 * * *

  McKenney, Maggie d. 16 Oct 1890 21 yrs. 5 mos. 11 days R 75 S 360
McKenney. On October 16, 1890 at 6:25 a.m., Maggie V., beloved daughter of E.T. and M.V. McKenney, aged 21 years 5 months 11 days. Funeral from the late residence, 704 G street southwest, Sunday, October 19 at 3 o'clock p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend.
  McKenney, Margaret d. 18 Jun 1875 66 yrs. R 4 S 137
McKenney. On the 18th June, 1875, Miss Margaret McKenney in the 67th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o'clock from Ryland chapel (Baltimore Sun please copy).
  McKenney, Margaret V. d. 28 Mar 1891 40 yrs. R 75 S 359
McKenney. On Saturday, March 28, 1891 at 4 o'clock p.m., Mrs. Margaret V., wife of E.T. McKenney, aged 40 years. Funeral from her late residence, 917 E street southwest, Tuesday, March 31, at 3 o'clock p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend.
  McKenney, Marion E. d. 4 Feb 1922 yrs. R 54 S 255
McKenney. Departed this life Saturday morning, February 4, 1922, at 12:55 o'clock, Marion E. McKenney, beloved mother of Mattie A. Gee. Funeral services at the residence of her daughter, 1422 U st. s.e., Anacostia, February 7, at 2 p.m. Interment private. Relatives and friends invited. (The Evening Star, dated 4 February 1922)
  McKenney, Mary A. d. 26 Nov 1894 75 yrs. R 141 S 222
McKenney. Entered into rest, on Monday, November 26, 1894, at 4 p.m., Mary Ann, beloved daughter of the late Benson and Obediance McKenney, her seventy-sixth year.
     A precious one from us has gone;
     A voice we loved is stilled;
     A place is vacant in our home
     Which never can be filled.

     God, in His wisdom has recalled
     The boon His love has given;
     And, though the body slumbers here,
     The soul is safe in heaven.
Funeral from her late residence, 1822 11th street southeast, on Friday, November 30, at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attend.
  McKenney, Mary Ann Lee d. 12 Jul 1876 70 yrs. 6 mos. 10 days R 86 S 107
McKenney. Mary Ann Lee McKenney, the late consort of Jarred McKenney, who departed this life on July 12th, 1876 at 4 o'clock p.m., aged 70 years 6 months and 10 days.
     When those we love are snatched away
     By death's resistless hand,
     Our hearts the mournful tribute pay,
     That friendship must demand.

     She has gone to heaven before us,
     But she turned and waved her hand,
     Pointing to the glories o'er us,
     In that bright and happy land.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Sunday, July 16, at 4 o'clock p.m., from her late residence, No. 1301 11th street southeast.
  McKenney, Obedience d. 2 May 1888 58 yrs. R 54 S 253
MacKenny. On Wednesday, May 2, 1888 at 2:30 a.m., Obedience MacKenney in her 59th year. Funeral Friday, May 4 from her late residence, 1307 11th street southeast. Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attend.
  McKenney, Robert V. b. 2 Dec 1842 - d. 16 Sep 1908 65 yrs. 9 mos. 14 days R 76 S 354
McKenney. Suddenly, September 16, 1908, at 8 o'clock, Robert V. McKenney, at his residence, 1106 K street southeast, beloved husband of Laura McKenney (nee Hunt). Funeral services Saturday, September 19, at 3 o'clock, p.m., at his late residence. Friends and relatives invited to attend. Interment at Congressional cemetery. Please omit flowers.

I. O. O. F. The officers and members of the Harmony Lodge, No. (I. O. O. F., are requested to assemble at 1106 K street southeast Saturday, September 19, at 3 o'clock p.m., to attend he funeral of our late brother, R. V. MCKENNEY. By order of the Noble Grand. Thomas J. GATES, Secretary. (The Evening Star, dated 17 September 1908, p. 7)
  McKenney, Rosetta Stuart Cowan d. 1 Aug 1862 8 yrs. 11 mos. R 25 S 108
McKenney. On the morning of the 1st inst., Rosetta Stuart Cowan, daughter of John M. and Francis A. McKinney, aged 8 years 11 months. Funeral on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at 369 13th st.
  McKenney, Sarah Frances b. 1872 - d. 21 Jul 1888 15 yrs. R 76 S 355
McKenney. Departed this life Saturday, July 21, 1888, after a short but painful illness of typho-malaria, Sarah F., beloved daughter of Robert and Laura McKenney, in the 16th year of her age.
     None knew her but to love.
Funeral Tuesday afternoon, July 24, 1888 at 4 o'clock from her parents' residence, No. 1108 K street southeast.
  McKenney, William H. d. 11 Sep 1924 65 yrs. R 4 S 47
McKenney. Departed this life, September 11, 1924 at 1:15 a.m., William H. McKenney. He leaves to mourn, his wife and three children, L.E. Beavers, William H. McKenney, jr. and A.H. McKenney. Buried from his late residence, Rosslyn, Va. Funeral from Weslyn Presbyterian Church between 3rd and 4th on D street n.w. at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, September 13. Relatives and friends invited.
     I will follow Thee my Savior
     Where so'er my lot may be.
     Where Thou goest, I will follow
     Yes, my Lord, I'll follow Thee.

     I will follow Thee my Savior
     Thou didst shed Thy blood for me;
     And though all men shall forsake Thee
     By Thy grace, I'll follow Thee.
  McKenney, William T. d. 3 Jan 1880 27 yrs. R 91 S 213
McKenney. At 11:30, January 3, 1880 after a long and painful illness, William F. McKenney, son of Edward and Ann McKenney, aged 27 years. Funeral from Christ Church G street s.e., Tuesday at 2 o'clock p.m. (California and Maryland papers copy).