McIntire, Annie P. d. 16 Nov 1872 33 yrs. R 18 S 129
McIntire. On the 16th inst. after a lingering illness, Annie P., wife of Henry McIntire aged 33 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from her late residence, No. 490 F street s.w., on Tuesday, 19th instant, at 2 o'clock (Philadelphia papers please copy).
  McIntire, Barbara A. d. 20 Jul 1938 74 yrs. R 48 S 319
McIntire, Barbara A. On Wednesday, July 20, 1938, Barbara A. McIntire, beloved mother of Irving, David, Everett, Louis and Blanche McIntire and sister of J.B. Robinson, Mrs. Lucy Carrico and grandmother of nine grandchildren. Funeral from the W.W. Deal funeral home, 816 H st. n.e., on Saturday, July 23, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery.

  McIntire, Catherine d. 13 Jul 1909 67 yrs. R 146 S 250
McIntire. On Tuesday, July 13, 1909, at 8:30 p.m., Catherine McIntire, beloved wife of Frederick McIntire sr., aged 67 years. Funeral private from her late residence, 1284 I street s.e., Thursday, July 15 at 2:30.
  McIntire, David Eugene d. 1 Apr 1955 60 yrs. R 59 S 334
McIntire, David Eugene, of 4209 Alabama ave. se., on April 1, 1955, beloved husband of Ruby A. McIntire, father of Mrs. Dorothy Simpkins, Mrs. Ernest Heidrich, Bernard E., Lawrence D. and Irvin McIntire, and James Smith, brother of Irvin, Louis and Everett McIntire, and Miss Blanche McIntire. Services at Chambers Funeral Home, 517 11th st. se., on Tuesday, April 5, at 1 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
  McIntire, Frederick d. 7 Aug 1918 51 yrs. R 48 S 319
McIntire. Passed away, on Wednesday, August 7, 1918 at 7 p.m., at 753 12th street southeast, after a lingering illness, Frederick McIntire beloved husband of Barbara McIntire. Funeral from his late residence Friday, August 9, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend.
  McIntire, Henry d. 19 Nov 1879 43 yrs. 5 mos. R 18 S 130
McIntire. At 10:35 a.m., November 19, 1879, after a long attack of consumption, Henry McIntire, aged 43 years and 5 months. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the late residence of the deceased, No. 1511 Q street n.w., on Sunday next, at 2 o'clock p.m.
  McIntire, Henry Norman d. 12 Sep 1910 40 yrs. R 18 S 131
McIntire. On September 12, 1910 at San Diego, Calif., Henry Norman, son of the late Henry and Annie P. McIntire. Funeral service will be held in the chapel at Congressional cemetery on Wednesday, September 21 at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend.
  McIntire, Howard Garns d. 1 May 1875 3 yrs. R 18 S 1875
McIntire. Of diphtheria, on the 1st inst., Howard G. McIntire, aged 3 years, youngest child of Henry and the late Annie P. McIntire. Funeral from his father's residence, No. 490 F street southwest, on Monday, 3d inst., at 1 o'clock.
  McIntire, John H. d. 17 Aug 1895 R 2 S 250
McIntyre. On Saturday, August 17, 1895, John H, infant son of John H., jr. and Fannie McIntyre.
     God took one to pray for the other.
Funeral from parents' residence, 303 M street northwest, Monday, August 19. Funeral private.