Layton, Annie E. | d. 21 Feb 1922 | 71 yrs. | R 34 S 177 | |
Layton. February 21, 1922, 9 p.m., Annie Mundell Layton, widow of the late A.W. Layton. Funeral (private) from her late residence, 910 G st. s.e., Friday, February 24, at 2 p.m. Services in the chapel, Congressional cemetery. Layton. Members of Mayflower Council, No. 11, are requested to attend the funeral of our late sister, Anna Layton, from her late residence, 910 G st. s.e., Friday, February 24, at 2 p.m. By order Mrs. H. Babbitt, Councilor Mrs. M. Callan, R. Sect'y. | ||||
Layton, Florence W. | d. 29 Nov 1947 | 84 yrs. | R 54 S 235 | |
Layton, Miss Florence W. On Saturday, November 29, 1947, Miss Florence W. Layton, of the Chastleman Apts. Services and interment private.
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Layton, Francis M. | d. 27 Apr 1904 | 38 yrs. | R 54 S 235 | |
Layton. On Wednesday, April 27, 1904 at the Columbian University Hospital, Mrs. Francis M. Layton. Services private.