Lash, Benjamin F. b. 1847 - d. 25 Mar 1923 75 yrs. R 100 S 238
Lash. Sunday, March 25, 1923, Benjamin F. Lash, father of Joseph A. Lash, aged 75 years. Funeral Tuesday, March 27, 2 p.m., from late residence, 821 H st. s.e.
  Lash, Emma b. 1849 - d. 11 Jan 1918 68 yrs. 7 mos. R 100 S 239
Lash. On Friday, January 11, 1918 at 2:30 .m., Emma, beloved wife of Benjamin F. Lash. Funeral from her late residence, 821 B street southeast on Monday, January 14 at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited.
  Lashhorn, Charles S.H. d. 23 Feb 1931 71 yrs. R 87 S 300
Lashhorn, Charles S. On Monday, February 23, 1931, Charles S. Lashhorn, in his 72nd year, husband of Jeannette Y. and father of C. Marian Lashhorn. Funeral services at his late residence, 4702 9th st. n.w., Thursday, February 26, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
  Lashhorn, Harry P. d. 5 Mar 1910 27 yrs. R 32 S 184
Lashhorn. Suddenly, March 5, 1910, Harry P., beloved son of Margaret A. Lashhorn in the 28th year of his age. Funeral private Tuesday, March 8 at 2 p.m.
