Kress, Adolph F. | d. 13 Nov 1957 | 91 yrs. | R 61 S 303 | |
Kress, Adolph F. Of 707 Varnum st. n.w., on November 13, 1957, husband of the late Jennie Mary Kress, uncle of Mrs. Ethel C. Bennett, Charles E., Victor S., Benjamin J. and Edward R. Kress. Prayers at Chambers Funeral Home, 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Saturday, November 16, at 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Gabriel's Church, Grant Circle n.w. at 9 a.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery. More | ||||
Kress, Frank F. | d. 8 May 1945 | 80 yrs. | R 44 S 164 | |
Kress, Frank F. On Tuesday, May 8, 1945, at Prince Georges General Hospital, Frank F. Kress, beloved hsuband of the late Rose Kress (nee Padgett). Friends may call at the Lee funeral home, 4th st. and Mass. Ave. n.e., where services will be held on Thursday, May 10, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. Kress, Frank F. A special communication of Columbia Lodge, No. 3, F.A.A.M., will be held at the Masonic Temple on Thursday, May 10, 1945, at 1 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of conducting Masonic rites at the funeral of our late tiler, Brother Frank F. Kress. Travers A. Trueblood, Master Kress, Frank F. Officers and members of Triumph Council, No. 8, Daughters of America, are requested to assemble at Lee's funeral parlor, 4th st. and Mass. Ave. n.e., for the purpose of attending the services for our late brother, Frank F. Kress, at 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 9, 1945. Lillie McCormick, Councilor Adline Miller, R.S. | ||||
Kress, Harold N. | d. 13 Apr 1925 | 80 yrs. | R 62 S 302 | |
Kress. Monday, April 13, 1925, at 6:25 p.m., Harold N., beloved and only son of Adolphe and Jean Kress. Funeral from his late residence, 645 A st. s.e., Thursday, April 16, at 2 p.m.; thence to St. Mark's Church, 3rd and A sts. S.e. Relatives and friends invited. (Lancaster, Pa., papers please copy.) Kress. Washington Commandery, No. 1, K.T., Washington, D.C., April 14, 1925 -- The Sir Knights of Washington Commandery, No. 1, K.T., are herby ordered to assemble in Templar uniform at the asylum, Masonic Temple, 13th st. and New York ave., Thursday, April 16, 1925, at 1:30 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of attending the funeral of our deceased frater, Sir Harold N. Kress. By order of the Commander; Courteously yours, Charles W. Pimper, Captain-General Kress. Special communication of Naval Lodge, No. 4, F.A.A>M., is hereby called Thursday, April 16, at 1:45 pm., for purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother, Harold N. Kress. By order of the worshipful master. Roland M. Brown, Secretary. | ||||
Kress, Jennie M. | d. 10 Oct 1948 | 78 yrs. | R 62 S 303 | |
Kress, Jennie M. On Sunday, October 10, 1948, at her residence, 707 Varnum st. n.w., Jennie M. Kress, beloved wife of Adolph F. Kress. Services at the above address on Tuesday, October 12, at 11 a.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery. Services by Chambers.
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Kress, Rosetta | b. 11 May 1854 - d. 1 Apr 1915 | 60 yrs. | R 44 S 164 | |
Kress. A special meeting of Martha Chapter No. 4, O.E.S. will be held on Monday, April 5 at 12:30 for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late sister, Rose Kress. By order of the worthy matron. Marion W. McCathran, Secretary Kress. The members of the Triumph Council No. 8, Daughters of America are requested to assemble at 809 E street s.e. on Monday, April 5, 1915 at 12:30 p.m. to attend the funeral of our late sister, Rose Kress. Lulu Grubbs, Councilor Emma M. Buell, Acting Secretary |