Jennings, Annie Eliza d. 27 May 1918 67 yrs. R 19 S 56
Jennings. On Monday, May 27, 1918, at 3:30 pm., Annie E. Jennings, wife of the late Joseph T. Jennings. Funeral from her late residence, 1239 E street southeast, on Wednesday, May 29, at 8:30 a.m., thence to St. Peter's Church at 9 a.m., where mass will be said for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attend. Interment (private) at Congressional cemetery.
  Jennings, Edward d. 1 Jan 1871 19 yrs. R 2 S 11
Jennings. On the 1st inst. after a long illness, Edward Jennings, aged 19 years. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral from his parents residence No. 224 14th street s.w. tomorrow Tuesday 2 o'clock p.m.
     "Gone but not forgotten."
  Jennings, Ellen S. d. 31 Oct 1907 47 yrs. R 159 S 250
Jennings. On Thursday, October 31, 1907 at 8:30 o'clock p.m., Ella, beloved wife of George H. Jennings. Funeral from residence, Saturday, November 2 at 3 o'clock.
  Jennings, Emily A. d. 10 Oct 1888 17 yrs. 5 mos. R 19 S 55
Jennings. On Wednesday, October 10, 1888, Emily A., beloved daughter of Joseph T. and A.E. Jennings aged 17 years 5 months.
     Oh, go in peace my darling,
=     While papa prays for you;
     For angels are rejoicing
     In their thought of you.
Friends and relatives invited to attend the funeral from St. Peter's church, Friday, October 12 at 9 o'clock a.m. Requiem mass. Interment at Congressional Cemetery.
  Jennings, George H. d. 23 Jan 1922 62 yrs. R 41 S 300
Jennings. On Monday, January 23, 1922, George H., husband of the late Ella S. Jennings. Funeral from the parlors of William H. Scott, 409 8th st. s.e., Thursday, January 26, at 2:30 p.m.
  Jennings, Ida F. d. 17 Nov 1881 28 yrs. 6 mos. R 2 S 11
Jennings. On the 17th of November 1881 at 10;30 p.m. of consumption, Ida F. Jennings, wife of William K. Jennings, aged 28 years and 6 months. Funeral from the residence of her husband, 1371 C street s.w. at 2 o'clock p.m., Sunday, November 20.
  Jennings, Jessie B. d. 9 Feb 1943 67 yrs. R 94 S 217
Jennings, Jessie B. On Tuesday, February 9, 1943, at Atlantic City, N.J., Jessie B. Jennings, beloved mother of Capt. Joseph F. and Carl R. Jennings and Mrs. Elizabeth Sieckman. Funeral from the W.W. Deal funeral home, 816 H st. n.e., on Friday, February 12, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
  Jennings, John R. d. 24 Mar 1902 4 mos. 3 days R 19 S 55
Jennings. On Monday, March 24, 1902, J. Ralph Jennings, beloved son of J.A. and Jessie B. Jennings of 528 4th street southeast, aged 4 months 3 days. Interment March 26, 11 a.m.
  Jennings, Joseph T. d. 25 Mar 1909 63 yrs. 3 mos. 20 days R 19 S 56
Jennings. On Thursday, March 25, 1909, at 3:45 p.m., at his residence, 1237 E street southeast, Joseph T., beloved husband of Annie E. Jennings. Requiem mass at St. Peter's Church, corner 2d and C streets southeast, Monday, March 29, at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends are invited to attend.
  Jennings, Virginia d. 29 Mar 1899 37 days R 85 S 299
Jennings. On Friday, March 29, 1899, the infant daughter of James H. and Lollie Blandford Jennings.
  Jennings, William K. d. 29 Dec 1908 58 yrs. R 5 S 82
Jennings. On Tuesday, December 29, 1908, after a lingering illness, William K. Jennings. Funeral services at 1231 11th street southeast, Thursday morning, December 31, at 9:30 o'clock. Friends invited.
  Jennings, William McNair d. 23 Aug 1927 17 yrs. R 110 S 200
Jennings. Tuesday, August 23, 1927, William McNair, beloved son of Harriet Jennings in his 17th year. Funeral services at the W.W. Chambers funeral home, Thursday, August 25, at 8 a.m., thence to Sacred Heart Church, 16th st. and Park rd., where mass will be sung at 8:30 a.m. Interment at Congressional Cemetery.