Hooter, Naomi | d. 28 Dec 1864 | 82 yrs. | R 55 S 38 | |
Hooter. Departed this condition for the Ultimate Life, after many years of great affliction on the 28th instant, Mrs. Naomi Hooter, in the 83d year of her age. Her funeral will take place on the 30th, from the dwelling of Mr. Henry Barron, No. 414-13th street north, at 10 a.m. She died as she lived in the certain assurance of the love of God. Her children feel that they have lost the truest of mothers. So passed away a mother dear Whose love for us none else can know, Whose life seemed only spent in care To have us in all good to go. Her children, in her early days, She labored hard from youth to rear, But Heaven blessed her in her ways Nor left the widow want or fear. And now rejoicingly she wears, The crown of all her former toil, A glorious end to pain and tears, In heaven rich with a mother’s spoil. She’s gone--but in our hearts she’ll live, As long as memory holds its place; No other love such pleasure give, No one so dear in form or face. |