Hampton, Frances Ann | d. 29 Nov 1844 | 16 yrs. | R 42 S 90 | |
Hampton. Yesterday morning, at 6 o'clock, after an extreme illness of nine days, in the 17th year of her age, Miss Frances Ann Hampton, eldest daughter of Thomas R. Hampton, Esq. of the Third Auditor's Office, formerly of Fauquier county, Virginia. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her father on 10tth street, south of the avenue, this afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
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Hampton, G. Pickett | d. 12 Aug 1850 | 4 yrs. 7 mos. | R 42 S 91 | |
Hampton. In this city, on Monday morning, the 12th instant, after a severe illness, Pickett, aged four years and seven months, youngest son of the late Thomas R. Hampton, formerly of Fauquier county, Virginia.
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Hampton, John | d. 4 Sep 1849 | 6 yrs. | R 42 S 90 | |
Hampton. Yesterday (Tuesday) morning the 4th instant in the 7th year of his age of congestive fever, John, son of the late Thomas R. Hampton of this city. His funeral will take place this morning at 10 o'clock from the residence of his mother on 13 street south. The friends of the family are invited to attend.
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Hampton, Marguerite | d. 15 Jan 1975 | 50 yrs. | R 31A S 157 | |
Hampton, Marguerite. On Wednesday, January 15, 1975, Margurite Hampton of 2233 18th st. n.w. wife of Harold Hampton; mother of Mrs. Elaine Payne, Harold and Earl Hampton. Funeral service wil lbe held on Monday, January 20, at 2 p.m. from Johnson & Jenkins Fuuneral Home, Inc., 4804 Georgia ave. n.w. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
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Hampton, Thomas R. | d. 10 Dec 1845 | R 42 S 88 | ||
Hampton. On Wednesday morning, the 10th instant, after an illness of several weeks, of a complication of diseases, Thomas R. Hampton, Esq. in the 45th year of his age. He was a native of Prince William county, Virginia, and for the last eight or nine years has resided in this city, and been a Clerk in the Treasury Department. His friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, on E street south, near the steamboat wharf, this (Thursday) morning, at 11 o'clock.