Hager, Frank (Sr.) d. 16 May 1914 44 yrs. R 47 S 293
Hager. On Saturday, May 16, 1914, at 8:15 a.m., at 940 Lettie street southwest, Frank Hager, beloved father of Mrs. Susie Beavers, Frank and George Hager.
     As fair a flower as ever bloomed
     Now lies beneath the sod;
     His image is with us still,
     But his soul is with God.
Funeral services (private) will be held Monday, May 18, at 2 p.m., at his late residence, 940 Lettie street southwest.
  Hager, George W. d. 18 Oct 1900 56 yrs. 3 mos. R 3 S 71
Hager. On Thursday, October 18, 1900, at 5:30 p.m., after a short but painful illness, George W. Hager, beloved husband of Mary V. Hager (nee Moseley), aged 56 years and 3 days.
     A voice we love is silent now,
     We see his vacant chair;
     All dreary are our souls and sad,
     For oh, we're not all here.

     We're not all here, yet Savior grant
     Our little band of love
     Unbroken may be found at last
     In the bright home above.

     Weep not, wife; weep not, children--
     All your weeping is in vain;
     Though I leave thee bowed in sorrow,
     We shall meet in joy again.

     Do not mourn because I leave thee,
     God has called me home to dwell;
     Kiss me, my wife; kiss me, children,
     And forever fare thee well.
          May he rest in peace.
Funeral from his late residence, 1119 C street northeast, thence to St. Joseph's Church, Tuesday, October 23, at 9:30 a.m., where requiem mass will be said for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited to attend.
  Hager, James C. d. 29 Oct 1882 7 yrs. 3 days R 3 S 70
Hager. October 29th, 1882, at 10:25 p.m., of diphtheria croup, James C. Hager, beloved son of George W. and Mary V. Hager, aged seven years and three days.
     Our Darling little Jimmie,
     His gentle spirit has fled;
     He sweetly sleeps with Jesus
     Among the silent dead.

     A light is from our household gone,
     A voice we loved is still,
     A vacant place is at our side,
     Which never can be filled.
Funeral will take palce from his parent's residence, No. 613 Twenty-third street northwest, on Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock p.m. Relatives and friends are invited to attend.
  Hager, Mary Virginia d. 11 Jan 1928 82 yrs. R 3 S 71
Hager. On January 11, 1928, at Portsmouth, Va., Mary Virginia Hager, aged 82 years. Funeral from the residence of her son, Bernard F. Hager, 1647 Gales st. n.e. on Monday, January 16 at 8:30 a.m.; thence to Holy Name Church, where requiem mass will be said at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
  Hager, William E. d. 18 Sep 1901 10 yrs. 7 mos. 19 days R 140 S 258
Hager. On Wednesday, September 18, 1901, at 8:10 p.m., William E., beloved child of William and Carrie Hager, aged 10 years 7 months and 19 days.
     A flower the Gardener gave us,
     A pure and lovely child;
     He gave it to our keeping,
     To cherish undefiled.
     But just as it was opening
     Into the dawn of day
     Down came our Heavenly Gardener
     And plucked our flower away.
Funeral private.