Gulick, James H. d. 25 Jul 1880 45 yrs. R 65 S 19
Gulick. At 9:15 p.m., July 25, 1880, James H. Gulick aged 45 years. Funeral Tuesday at 5 p.m., from his late residence, No. 214 A street s.e.
  Gulick, Maggie E.G. d. 28 Aug 1873 R 65 S 18
Gulick. At 7:45 p.m., August 28 after a long illness, Mrs. Maggie E.G. Gulick, wife of James H. Gulick. Funeral Sunday afternoon, August 31 at 3 o'clock from Waugh Chapel. The friends of the family are invited.
  Gulick, Mamie Belle d. 29 Apr 1941 85 yrs. R 143 S 192
Gulick, Mamie Belle. On Tuesday, April 29, 1941, Mamie Belle Gulick, beloved mother of Hughy C. Hanger. Services at the Wm. H. Sardo & Co. funeral home, 412 H st. n.e., Thursday, May 1, at 2 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
  Gulick, Mary Kemp d. 20 Mar 1917 67 yrs. R 24 S 168
Gulick. On Tuesday, March 29, 1917 at Washington Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Mary Kemp, widow of James H. Gulick. Funeral from the residence of her brother, Dr. Dorsey M. McPherson, 1810 15th street northwest, Thursday, March 22 at 10:30 a.m. Interment private (Baltimore, Md. papers please copy). More
  Gulick, William F. d. 31 Mar 1931 61 yrs. R 65 S 20
Gulick. On Tuesday, March 31, 1931, at 6 a.m., at the Homeopathic Hospital, William P. Gulick. Funeral from his late residence, 12 Rhode Island ave. n.w., on Thursday, April 2, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment at Congressional Cemetery.

Gulick, William F. A special communication of Benjamin B. French Lodge, No. 15, F.A.A.M., is hereby called for Thursday, April 2, 1931, at 1:15 p.m., in Lodge Room No. 1, New Masonic Temple, Washington, D.C., for the purpose of conducting Masonic burial services for our late brother, William F. Gulick.
     By direction of the worshipful master,
          Sidney I. Besselievre, Secretary
