Gittings, Benjamin E. d. 1 Sep 1881 R 41 S 204
  Gittings, Benjamin F. d. 16 Jun 1898 R 40 S 202
Gittings. On Thursday morning, June 16, 1898 at 4:30 o'clock, Benjamin F. Gittings. Funeral from 949 T street northwest Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
  Gittings, Beth d. 21 Feb 1918 79 yrs. R 40 S 204
Gittings. On Thursday, February 21, 1918, Beth, beloved daughter of the late Benjamin E. and Martha Gittings, aged 79 years. Funeral from Methodist Home, 601 M street northwest on Saturday, February 23 at 10:30 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. More
  Gittings, Joel H. d. 3 Aug 1900 50 yrs. R 41 S 205
Gittings. On Friday, August 3, 1900 in New York of heart disease, Joseph B. Gittings. Funeral private, Monday, August 6.

  Gittings, Josephine Harding d. 11 Dec 1885 52 yrs. R 41 S 201
Gittings. At her residence late morning, December 11, 1885, at 415 4th street n.w., Josie H., wife of B.F. Gittings. Funeral Sunday, 13th inst. At 2 o'clock p.m. No flowers.
  Gittings, Josephine K. d. 27 May 1954 52 yrs. R 41 S 201
Gittings, Josephine Keturah (Turah). On Thursday, May 27, 1954, at her residence, 2219 Wisconsin ave. n.w., Josephine Keturah (Turah) Gittings. Friends may call at the S.H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w. Services at All Souls' Episcopal Church, Cathedral ave. and Woodley pl. n.w., on Saturday, May 29, at 11 a.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
  Gittings, Lucy M. d. 5 Jul 1891 R 41 S 202
Gittings. Departed this life on Sunday, July 5, 1891, Lucy M., wife of B.F. Gittings. Funeral Wednesday, July 8 at 11 a.m. from her late residence, 716 Fourth street northwest. Relatives and friends respectfully invited.
  Gittings, Martha Ann d. 14 Aug 1849 40 yrs. R 41 S 205
Gittings. On Tuesday evening, 14th instant, about half-past 9 o'clock p.m., after a few hours of severe illness, Mrs. Martha Ann Gittings, consort of Benjamin E. Gittings (Intendant of the Washington Asylum) in the 41st year of her age. She was one of the best companions and mothers, and much esteemed by all who knew her.

Her funeral will take place this afternoon, at 5 o'clock, from the residence of her husband, near the Congressional burial ground. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. Carriages will be in attendance at the Wesley Chapel, at 4 o'clock, to convey any friends who may be disposed to attend.
  Gittings, Mary V. d. 28 Mar 1915 66 yrs. R 40 S 203
Gittings. Entered into rest Sunday, March 28, 1915, at her residence, 1358 Fairmont street northwest, Miss Jennie Gittings. Funeral private. Please omit flowers.
  Gittings, Rachael Marriott d. 26 Mar 1886 79 yrs. 1 mo. R 41 S 203
Gittings. On Friday evening, March 26, 1886 at 11 o'clock, Mrs. Rachel Marriott Gittings, widow of the late Benjamin Gittings. Relatives and family of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from her late residence, No. 211 D street northwest on Sunday, March 28 at 5 o'clock p.m.