Fowke, Ellen E. d. 17 Apr 1908 87 yrs. 7 mos. 4 days R 68 S 253
Fowke. On Saturday, April 18, 1908 at her home, Prince William County, Ellen C. Fowke in the 88th year of her age. Interment Monday, April 20 at 1 o'clock p.m. at Congressional cemetery.

  Fowke, Mary H. d. 1 May 1875 44 yrs. R 81 S 243
Fowke. At 4 a.m., Saturday, May 1st, 1875, after a lingering illness, Miss Mary H. Fowke; formerly of Prince George county, Va., aged 44 years. Friends and relatives of the family are invited to attend the funeral at the late residence of the deceased, No. 419 7th street southwest, Monday, 3d inst., at 4 o'clock p.m.
  Fowke, Samuel d. 16 Apr 1873 53 yrs. R 68 S 253
Fowke. In Washington city, Wednesday, 16th inst., of small pox, in the 54th year of his age, Capt. Samuel Fowke, only son of the late Thomas and Susan Fowke, of King George county, Va. The noblest eulogy that can be ascribed to human frailty is fidelity to God and man in all the varied relations of life. Such may be eminently said of Capt. Fowke. In business, of unflincing integrity, as a husband, tender and provident; as a father, loving and kind; as a friend, warm-hearted and sincere; as a Christian, vigilant and faithful; he lived an ornament to society, died strong in his faith and rich in his hopes of a blissful immotality. May our heavenly Father speak peace and comfort to his mourning loved ones.

[Note: One-time Captain of the Wawasett.]
  Fowke, Samuel Chandler d. 4 Jul 1894 6 mos. 3 days R 9 S 235
Fowkes. On Wednesday morning, July 4, 1894, at 1 o'clock, Samuel Chandler, the only child of of Roy T. and Lulu Fowkes, aged 6 months and 3 days.
     The little crib is empty now,
     The little clothes laid by,
     A mother's hope, a father's joy,
     In Death's cold arms doth lie.
          By His Parents.
Funeral from parents' residence, 501 M street southwest, Friday, July 6, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited.
  Fowke, Willie Thomas d. 27 Mar 1873 28 yrs. 18 days R 68 S 205
Fowke. Departed this life, March 27, at 3 o'clock p.m., Willie Thomas, the eldest son of Captain Samuel and Ellen Fowke, aged 28 years and 18 days.
     Oh, what upon this earth doth prove
     So steadfast as a mother's love.
     Oh, what can bring relief
     Or solace to a parent's grief.

     No more, my darling, shall thou lie,
     With aching heart and half shut eye,
     Pillowed upon my aching breast
     Serenely sinking into rest.

     Yes from my arms thy soul has flown,
     Alone, and found the heavenly throne,
     To join that blest angelic ring
     That ever round the altar sing.

     I've thought when years have rolled away
     That thou would be our ages stay;
     And often have I dreamed to see
     The boy, the youth, the man in thee.

     Farewell, my child, the due shall fall
     At morn and evening o'er thy pall;
     And flowers blooming o'er thy bier
     Be watered by thy mother's tear.
          By His Mother.