Dumas, Emil | d. 1 Dec 1910 | 70 yrs. | R S | |
Dumas, Hippolete | d. 7 Feb 1841 | 52 yrs. | R 52 S 86 | |
Dumas. On the morning of February 7, in this city, Hippolete Dumas, formerly a Captain of U.S. Engineers, a native of France, aged 52. He was an officer of the French Navy -- taken at St. Domingo -- released on parole at Kingston, Jamaica -- and came to the United States in 1806. His ancestors were, Francois Dumas de Laverge, of Bordeaux, and, on the mother's side, Baron de Luxce Ceberton. Any intelligence of relatives or confidential friends may be communicated to C.K. Gardner, Auditor of the Post Office Department. His funeral will be attended from his late residence on 14th street, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. |