Duly, Albert A. d. 23 Mar 1890 43 yrs. R 8 S 255
Duly. On the evening of March 23, 1890, Albert A. Duly in the 44th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, 102 Seventh street southeast, Wednesday, the 26th instant at 2 o'clock p.m. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend.

  Duly, Sarah A. d. 20 Feb 1886 38 yrs. R 8 S 255
Duly. On February 20 at 11:15 p.m. at her residence, No. 102 7th street southeast, Mrs. Sarah A. Duly, beloved wife of Albert A. Duly in the 39th year of his age. Funeral at her late residence, Tuesday, February 23, at 3 p.m. Friends and family are invited to attend.