DeWees, Eleanor d. d. 8 Aug 1850 69 yrs. R 36 S 74
DeWees. In this city yesterday, after an illness of ten days, Mrs. Eleanor DeWees relict of the late Col. William DeWees of this city in the 70th year of her age. Having for many years followed the Savior she realized his support throughout and calmly resigned her breath in the full assurance of acceptance. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral this afternoon at 4 o'clock from her late residence, corner of 13th and G streets.

  DeWees, George W. d. 3 Jan 1873 R 36 S 75
  DeWees, William d. 3 Sep 1836 61 yrs. R 36 S 73
DeWees. On Saturday morning last after an illness of several months, Col. William DeWees of this city in the 62d year of his age.
