DeKay, George C. | d. 31 Jan 1849 | 52 | R 70 S 120 | |
* * * Removed to Philadelphia, PA, 29 Apr 1849 * * * DeKay. In this city on the 31st ultimo, Commodore George C. DeKay, aged 47 years, formerly commander-in-chief of the naval service of the Argentine Confederation, and late of the city of New York. The friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral this day at 1 o'clock, from his late residence on 17th street. Obituary. Commodore Geo. C. DeKay, whose death is announced in this day's paper, was once a Midshipman in the naval service of the Argentine Confederation, and won his way to the rank and position of its commander-in-chief. He served in eighteen naval engagements, and was distinguished for his disparate coverage. His last battle, victorious against a much superior force, has placed his name in a proud position amongst American naval heroes. |