Davidson, Alexander d. 5 Aug 1902 61 yrs. R 13 S 252
Davidson. On Tuesday, August 5, 1902 at 3 a.m. after a long illness, Alexander Davidson. Funeral from his late residence, 222 3rd street southeast, Thursday, August 7 at 4:30 p.m. Interment at Congressional Cemetery.
  Davidson, Andrew B. d. 3 Feb 1905 32 yrs. R 153 S 255
  Davidson, Clementina Mary b. 8 Feb 1826 - d. 21 Jun 1845 19 yrs. R 39 S 78
  Davidson, Corina d. 16 Jan 1887 R 93 S 340
Davidson. On the night of January 16, 1887, Mrs. Corina Davidson, wife of the late Col. N. Davidson. Funeral tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, 1809 9th street northwest.
  Davidson, Daniel Delozier b. 1809 - d. 3 Jun 1890 81 yrs. R 97 S 304
Davidson. On Tuesday, June 3, 1890 at 8:45 o'clock a.m., Daniel D. Davidson in the 82d year of his age. Funeral service will be conducted at Westminster Presbyterian Church on Thursday, June 5, 1890 at 4 o'clock p.m. Friends invited to attend. Those desiring to view the remains are invited to the late residence, No. 817 D street southwest on Thursday, June 5 between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock p.m.

  Davidson, Delozier d. 25 Oct 1884 44 yrs. 2 mos. 17 days R 97 S 303
Davidson. On Saturday, October 25th, 1884, at 9:50 p.m., Delozier, beloved husband of Susan V. Davidson and son of Daniel D. and the late Letitia M. Davidson, aged 44 years 2 months and 17 days. Funeral will take place from his late residence, No. 653 E street southwest, on Tuesday, October 28th, at 2 o'clock p.m. Friends and relatives of the family are respectfully invited to attend. No flowers.

  Davidson, Delozier d. 17 Jul 1888 69 yrs. R 67 S 228
Davidson. Suddenly on the morning of July 17, 1888 at his late residence, 1311 H street, Major Delozier Davidson in the 70th year of his age. Notice of funeral hereafter.
  Davidson, Delozier Clement d. 8 Jan 1862 9 yrs. R 67 S 227
Davidson. On Wednesday the 8th inst. after an illness of one week at the age of 9 years. Delozier Clement Davidson, second son of Major Delozier Davidson, U.S. Army. The funeral will take place on Friday the 10th inst. At 12 o'clock, from the residence of his grandfather, Judge T. Hartley Crawford which the friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend.
  Davidson, Ella B. d. 27 Jun 1928 60 yrs. R 97 S 300
Davidson, Ella B. On Wednesday, June 27, 1928, at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Ella B. Davidson, aged 60, sister of John D. Davidson. Funeral services at Murray's, undertaker, 2011 Nichols ave. s.e., Saturday, June 30, 2 p.m. Interment private.
  Davidson, Ella E. d. 23 Jun 1888 45 yrs. R 13 S 251
On June 23, 1888, Ella E., beloved wife of Alexander Davidson. Funeral will take place from her late residence, 627 E street southeast, June 25, at 5 o'clock p.m. Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attend.
  Davidson, Francis Leroy d. 27 Jun 1901 4 mos. 23 days R 78 S 174
Davidson. On Thursday, June 27, 1901, Frank LeRoy, son of William A. and Annie Werle Davidson. Funeral private.
  Davidson, George A. d. 27 Aug 1919 55 yrs. R 73 S 344
Davidson. On Wednesday, August 27, 1918, at Garfield Hospital, George A., beloved husband of Marie C. Davidson (nee Aschenbach). Funeral services at his late residence, 1349 Shepherd st. n.w., on Saturday, August 30 at 2 o'clock p.m. Interment Congressional cemetery. Relatives and friends invited.

Davidson. A special meeting of Osiris Lodge, No. 26, FA.A.M., for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother, George A. Davidson, will be held Saturday, August 30, 1919, at 1:15 p.m.

  Davidson, Henrietta Maria d. 18 Apr 1897 80 yrs. R 67 S 229
Davidson. On Sunday, April 18, 1897, at the residence of her son, Edward C. Davidson, Elizabeth, N.J., Henrietta Maria Davidson, widow of Delozier Davidson and daughter of the late Judge Thomas Hartley Crawford, in the 81st year of her age. Interment private.
  Davidson, Joseph H. d. 10 Sep 1885 72 yrs. 6 mos. 8 days R 74 S 344
Davidson. On Thursday, September 10th, 1885, Joseph H. Davidson, at his residence, 301 Fourteenth street northwest. Funeral Sunday, 13th, at 2 o’clock p.m., from his late residence, 301 Fourteenth street northwest. Services at the Church of the Epiphany. Interment at Congressional Cemetery.
  Davidson, Katie A. d. 3 Jun 1893 41 yrs. R 78 S 175
Davidson. On Saturday morning, June 3, 1893 at 3 o'clock, Katie A., beloved wife of William A. Davidson and daughter of Mary A. and the late John T. Cassell aged 41 years. Funeral will take place on Monday, June 5 at 2:30 p.m. from St. Dominic's Church. Friends are respectfully invited.
  Davidson, Lucien Richardson b. 1878 - d. 6 Jan 1896 17 yrs. 21 days R 59 S 88
Davidson. On Monday, January 6, 1896, Lucien Richards Davidson, beloved son of Mrs. E.R. Davidson, aged 17 years and 3 weeks. Funeral will be held at 501 Stanton place on Tuesday, at 10 o'clock a.m.
  Davidson, Margaret d. 15 May 1908 86 yrs. R 97 S 305
Davidson. On Friday, May 15, 1908 at 12:45 p.m. at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Douglas G. Miller, 1821 14th street northwest, Margaret, widow of Daniel D. Davidson, in the 87th year of her age. Funeral from above redsidence, Sunday, May 17 at 3 p.m. Friends and relatives invited. Interment private.

  Davidson, Mary Jane d. 8 Nov 1925 80 yrs. R 22 S 47
Davidson. Sunday, November 8, at her residence, 1121 C street southeast, Mary Jane Davidson, mother of M. Antoinette Kelso and grandmother of W. Sheldon, Mary A., Raymond A., and Charles V. Fleishell. Funeral services at above address, Wednesday, November 11, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment at Congressional Cemetery.
  Davidson, Susan V. d. 7 Jun 1906 70 yrs. R 97 S 302
Davidson. On Thursday, June 7, 1906 at 11:30 p.m., Susan V., widow of Delosier Davidson in the 71st year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, 329 E street southeast, Monday, June 11 at 3:30 p.m. Interment private.

  Davidson, William A. d. 24 Jan 1909 57 yrs. 10 mos. R 78 S 174
Davidson. On Sunday, January 24, 1909 at 6:45 a.m. after a brief illness, William A., beloved husband of Annie Werle Davidson. Funeral Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Dominick's church where mass will be said for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment private.