Crozet, Eliza C. d. 17 Jan 1912 82 yrs. R 57 S 338
Crozet. On Wednesday, January 17, 1912 at her residence, 1831 Vermont ave., after a short illness, Mrs. Elizabeth Carter Crozet. Funeral from Wise's chapel, Friday, January 19 at 2 p.m.
  Crozet, John R. d. 13 Aug 1883 43 yrs. R 2 S 248
Crozet. On August 13, 1883, Mr. Joseph B. Crozet, formerly of U.S. Navy and revenue marine service, aged 43 years. Funeral will take place from his late residence, No. 322 C street northwest, Wednesday, 15th inst. at 5 o'clock p.m. Friends are invited.
