Champion, Eleanor M. | d. 16 Sep 1913 | 55 yrs. | R 96 S 329 | |
Champion. Departed this life on Tuesday, September 16, 1913, 8:45 a.m. after a long and painful illness, Eleanor M., beloved wife of William Champion, aged 55 years. Funeral from John R. Wright's chapel, 1337 10th street n.w., Thursday, September 18, 11 a.m. (Pittsburg papers please copy). Champion. The officers and members of Temple Chapter, No. 13, O.E.S. will assemble in the chapter room Thursday morning, September 18, 1913 at 10 o'clock for the purpose of attending the funeral of our beloved sister, Eleanor Champion. Funeral from Wright's undertaking parlors,11 o'clock. By order of the worthy matron, Emma J. Smith, Secretary | ||||
Champion, Eleanor M. | d. 16 Sep 1913 | 55 yrs. | R 96 S 329 | |
Champion. Departed this life on Tuesday, September 16, 1913, 8:45 a.m. after a long and painful illness, Eleanor M., beloved wife of William Champion, aged 55 years. Funeral from John R. Wright's chapel, 1337 10th street n.w., Thursday, September 18, 11 a.m. (Pittsburg papers please copy). Champion. The officers and members of Temple Chapter, No. 13, O.E.S. will assemble in the chapter room Thursday morning, September 18, 1913 at 10 o'clock for the purpose of attending the funeral of our beloved sister, Eleanor Champion. Funeral from Wright's undertaking parlors,11 o'clock. By order of the worthy matron, Emma J. Smith, Secretary | ||||
Champion, Laura Geneva | d. 8 Aug 1857 | 2 yrs. 1 mos. | R 53 S 202 | |
Champion. On the 8th instant at 9 ˝ o’clock a.m., Laura Geneva, only child of William H. and Elizabeth J. Champion, aged 2 years 1 month. The friends and relatives of the family are invited to attend her funeral, corner 3d street east and G street south, tomorrow (Sunday, 9th instant) at 5 o'clock p.m.
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Champion, Mary D. | d. 18 Mar 1916 | 43 yrs. | R 96 S 329 | |
Champion. On Saturday, March 18, 1916, at 2:55 p.m., at her home at Hunters Station, near Mount Vernon Fairfax county, Mary D. Champion, beloved wife of William B. Champion. Funeral at noon Tuesday, March 21, from Wright's undertaking chapel, Washington. Interment at Congressional cemetery. (New York papers please copy.)
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Champion, Ustick Walter | d. 6 Aug 1857 | 4 mos. 11 days | R 29 S 195 | |
Champion. On the 6th instant, Ustick Walter, youngest son of Elizabeth and the late Samuel Champion, aged 4 months 11 days.