Cassaday, John R. | d. 26 Sep 1897 | 34 yrs. | R 1 S 1 | |
Cassaday. Suddenly on Sunday, September 26, 1897 at 2 a.m., John R. Cassaday, aged 34 years. Precious darling he has left us-- Left us, yes, forever more; But we hope to meet our loved one On that bright and happy shore. Lonely the house and sad the hours, Since our dear one has gone; But oh! a brighter home than ours In heaven is now his own. Funeral from her late residence, 427 O street southwest on Wednesday, September 29 at 3 p.m. sharp; thence to Sixth Presbyterian Church. More | ||||
Cassaday, Mary | d. 2 Oct 1902 | 33 yrs. | R 16 S 156 | |
Cassaday. At Providence Hospital, Wednesday, October 1, 1902, Mary J. beloved wife of the late John R, Cassady and daughter of Hester A. and William Conner. Funeral from 6th Presbyterian Church, corner 6th and C street southwest, Saturday, October 4 at 1:30 p.m. Friends and relatives are invited to attend.