Carden, Margaret A. | d. 6 Jun 1899 | 70 yrs. | R 37 S 176C-1 | |
Carden. On Tuesday, June 6, 1899, Margaret A. Carden, widow of the late Thomas Carden, aged 70 years. Asleep in Jesus. Blessed sleep. By Her Niece Lizzie Funeral from her late residence, 923 G street southwest Thursday, June 8 at 3 o'clock p.m. Friends and relatives invited to attend. | ||||
Carden, Nora | d. 17 Jan 1931 | 66 yrs. | R 84 S 218 | |
Carden, Nora. On Saturday, January 17, 1931, Nora, the beloved wife of William Carden. Funeral from Saffell's chapel, 5th and H sts. n.w., on Monday, January 19, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
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Carden, Ruth A. | d. 28 Jun 1928 | 4 yrs. 1 mos. | R 61 S 285 | |
Carden, Ruth A. On Thursday, June 28, 1928, at her residence, 742 6th st. n.w., Ruth A., beloved daughter of James A. and Julia A. Carden, aged 4 years 1 month. Funeral from the above residence on Saturday, June 20, at 11 a.m. Interment at Congressional Cemetery.
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Carden, Thomas | d. 1 Sep 1898 | R 37 S 176C-1 | ||
Carden. At his residence, No. 906 G street southwest, on Thursday, September 1, 1898, at 7:10 o'clock p.m., Thomas Carden, born in Denington, Lincolnshire, England, but for many years past a resident of this city. He leaves a widow and an adopted son to mourn his loss. Past all suffering, past all pain, Cease to weep, for tears are vain; Calm the tumult of thy breast, He who suffered is at rest. By His Wife Funeral from his late residence, Saturday, September 3, at 3 o'clock p.m. Friends and relatives respectfully invited to attend. |