Bruce, Charles L. d. 9 May 1920 69 yrs. R 42 S 299
  Bruce. Sunday, May 9, 1920, Charles T. Bruce, aged sixty-nine years. Funeral from W.W. Deal's funeral parlor, 816 H st. n.e., Tuesday, May 11, at 2 p.m. Interment Congressional cemetery. Please omit flowers. (Baltimore and Fredericksburg Va. Papers please copy.)  
  Bruce, David d. 1 May 1863 18 yrs. R 69 S 60
  Bruce. On Sunday evening, at half-past 6, David Bruce, aged 18 years. His friends and relatives are requested to attend his funeral tomorrow at 10 a.m., from his residence on 26th street.  
  Bruce, Hon. John d. 23 Dec 1855 78 yrs. Public Vault
  * * * Removed to Kentucky, January 3, 1856 * * *

Bruce. On the 23d instant, in this city, Hon. John Bruce of Kentucky, aged about 78 years.
  Bruce, John d. 23 Dec 1855 78 yrs. R 25 S 231
  Bruce. On Friday morning, 14th instant, after a few days illness, John Bruce in the 55th year of his age. His friends and acquaintances are invited to attend his funeral on Sabbath afternoon at 2 o’clock from his late residence, No.,47 A st. north, Capitol Hill, and also the Sisters of Benevolence, No. 3, Navy Yard are respectfully invited to attend.

  Bruce, Louisa d. 6 Jul 1877 27 yrs. R 69 S 58
  Bruce. On the evening of July 6th, 1877, after a long and painful illness, Miss Louisa N. Bruce, in the 28th year of her age. Funeral will take place from her late residence, 822 25th street, Sunday, July 8th, at 4 o'clock. Friends and relatives are invited to attend.