Brothers, Louis E. | d. 17 Mar 1887 | 27 yrs. | R 39 S 187 |
Brothers. On March 17, 1887, Louis Edward Brothers, only son of Dr. Louiks J. Brothers, aged 27. Funeral will take place from his late residence, 906 B street southwest on Sunday at 2 p.m.. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. More |
Brothers, Dr. Louis J. | d. 2 May 1900 | 73 yrs. 8 mos. 20 days | R 82 S 149 |
Brothers. On Wednesday, May 2, 1900, at 3 o'clock a.m., at 906 B street southwest, of pneumonia, Dr. L.J. Brothers, beloved husband of Annie R. Brothers. Funeral Friday at 3 o'clock p.m. |