Brissey, Agnes P. d. 7 Aug 1870 55 yrs. R 63 S 39
  Brissey, Ellen F. d. 18 Oct 1861 19 yrs. R 63 S 40
  Brissey. On Friday the 18th inst., at 7 o'clock p.m. after an illness of two weeks, Ella F. Brissey, aged 19 years, only daughter of Isaiah E. and Agnes P. Brissey of this city. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from their residence corner of south E and 8th sts., Island, on tomorrow (Sunday) at 3 o'clock p.m.  
  Brissey, Lucina E. d. 14 Dec 1888 74 yrs. R 63 S 40
  Brissey. On Friday, December 14, 1888 at 2 o'clock a.m. after a protracted illness, Miss L.E. Brissey in the 75th year of her age. Funeral from the Vermont avenue Christian church on Saturday at 2 p.m.