Brennan, Bertha d. 18 Jul 1908 47 yrs. R 119 S 190
  Brennan, Caroline d. 31 Oct 1961 89 yrs. R 66 S 138
  Brennan, Caroline. On Tuesday, October 31, 1961, at her residence, 1628 Columbia rd. nw., Caroline Brennan, beloved aunt of Miss Caroline Bernice Barrack, Mrs. Eleanor Silvio, Mirian and Linda Romer Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home, 4th st. and Massachusetts ave. ne., where services will be held on Thursday, November 2, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.  
  Brennan, Frederick Whyte d. 6 Oct 1918 43 yrs. R 46 S 201
  Brennan. On Sunday, October 6, 1918, Frederick Whyte Brennan, son of the late Lieut. James Brennan, U.S.A. and Laura A. Brennan. Funeral from his late residence, 711 Second street n.w., Tuesday, October 8 at 3 p.m. Interment (private) at Congressional Cemetery.  
  Brennan, Jane d. 8 Jun 1887 66 yrs. R 17 S 149
  Brennan. On Wednesday, June 8, 1887 at 11:45 a.m. at her late residence, 711 13th street northwest, Mrs. Jane Brennan, beloved wife of the late Bernard A. Brennan in the 67th year of his age. Funeral services to be held at the Foundry M.E. Church, corner 14th and G streets on Friday at 3 p.m. Friends and relatives invited to attend.  
  Brennan, Laura Ann d. 19 Jan 1875 23 yrs. R 46 S 201
  Brennan. Died at Washington Arsenal, January 19, 1875 in the 24th year of her age, Laura Ann, wife of James Brennan, and daughter of Capt. F. Whyte, U.S. Army.
