Biggs, Albert d. 19 May 1900 4 yrs. R 76 S 137
  Biggs, Lizzie d. 13 Mar 1861 4 yrs. R 76 S 137
  Biggs. On the morning of the 13th inst., Lizzie the youngest daughter of S.J. and C. Diggs in the 5th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at No. 609 M st.  
  Biggs, Martha A. d. 17 Dec 1907 8 yrs. R 154 S 249
  Biggs. On Tuesday, December 17, 1907 at her residence, 1114 H street northeast, Martha A., beloved wife of the late John T. Biggs. Funeral services to be held at the chapel of William H. Sands and Company, 408 H street northeast, Friday, December 20 at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend (Virginia, Baltimore, Cincinatti and New York papers please copy).  
  Biggs, Richard H. d. 19 May 1900 8 yrs. R 135 S 235
  Biggs. On Tuesday, December 17, 1907 at her residence, 1114 H street northeast, Martha A., beloved wife of the late John T. Biggs. Funeral services to be held at the chapel of William H. Sands and Company, 408 H street northeast, Friday, December 20 at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend (Virginia, Baltimore, Cincinatti and New York papers please copy).  
  Biggs, Sarah E. d. 6 Feb 1895 R 135 S 234
  Biggs. On February 6, 1895 at 3 a.m., Sarah E. Biggs, beloved wife of William Biggs. Funeral from Giesboro, D.C. on Friday, the 8th at 12 m. thence to St. Theresa's Church, Anacostia, D.C. Friends and relatives invited to attend.  
  Biggs, William E. d. 21 Feb 1865 R 161 S 220E-3
  Biggs. On the 21st instant, William E. Biggs, aged 35 years. His friends and acquaintances are invited to attend the funeral at 2 o'clock, Thursday afternoon, from his late residence, corner 11th and M streets east, Navy Yard, without further notice.
