Bicksler, Annie B. d. 19 May 1894 32 yrs. 23 days R 19 S 25
  Bicksler. On May 19, 1894, at her residence in Anacostia, D.C., Annie B., beloved wife of Chas. Bicksler, aged 32 years and 23 days.
     Human hands have tried to save;
     Sighs and tears are all in vain.
     Happy angels came and bore her
     From this world of toil and pain.
Funeral from Anacostia M.E. Church, Monday, May 21, at 3 p.m.
  Bicksler, Barbara A. d. 21 Jun 1893 48 yrs. R 65 S 307
  Bicksler. On June 21, 1893 at 2:15 o'clock a.m., Barbara A. Bicksler, the beloved wife of Martin V. Bicksler in the 49th year of her age. Funeral Friday June 23 at 3 o'clock p.m. from her late residence, 1032 S. Capitol street. Friends and relatives invited.  
  Bicksler, Vinnie R. d. 29 Oct 1887 15 yrs. 9 mos. R 15 S 91
  Bicksler. Of typhoid fever, Saturday, October 29, 1887, at 4:30 a.m. Vinnie R. eldest and beloved daughter of Martin V. and Barbara A. Bicksler, aged 15 years 9 months. Funeral will take place from her parents residence, 1032 S. Carolina street at 2 o'clock p.m., Monday, October 31, 1887. Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attend.