Bestor, Aurelia d. 6 Mar 1832 1 yrs. 5 mos. R 47 S 151
  Bestor. Early yesterday morning, of scarlet fever, Aurelia, infant daughter of Mr. Chauncey Bestor, aged seventeen months. Thus, in the short space of one week, have the bereaved parents been called to mourn the loss of two lovely and interesting daughters, by the same distressing disease.
     O fairest flowers, no sooner blown than blasted!
Her funeral will take place this morning at 10 o'clock, from the residence of Mr. John MacLeod.
  Bestor, Capt. Chauncey d. 25 Apr 1877 88 yrs. R 47 S 152
  Bestor. On Thursday, April 25, 1877 at 5 a.m., Chauncey Bestor in the 89th year of his age. Funeral will take place from the residence of Mrs. W.C. Bestor, 1710 I street on Saturday at 2 o'clock.

  Bestor, Eliza d. 21 Dec 1881 78 yrs. R 47 S 142
  Bestor. At the residence of her son-in-law, T.M. Fowler, Wednesday, December 21, 1881, Eliza Bestor, aged 78 years relict of the late Owen H. Bestor. The funeral will take place at All Saints' Chapel, Benning's, D.C., Friday, 2 p.m.  
  Bestor, Harvey B. d. 16 Jan 1892 46 yrs. R 47 S 143
  Bestor. On Saturday, January 16, 1892, Harvey B. Bestor, aged 46 years.  
  Bestor, Helen MacLeod d. 27 Feb 1832 3 yrs. R 47 S 151
  Bestor. Yesterday evening in the 4th year of her age, Helen MacLeod, daughter of Mr. Chauncey Bestor. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from the residence of Mr. John MacLeod this afternoon at 3 o’clock.  
  Bestor, Capt. Henry d. 7 Jan 1835 52 yrs. R 47 S 143
  Bestor. On Wednesday evening, 7th instant, of the prevailing influenza in the 53rd year of his age, Capt. Harvey Bestor, a native of Suffield, Conn. and for many years a resident of this city.

Captain of Harvey Bestor's and Stephen Parry's Company, 2nd D.C. Militia, War of 1812.
  Bestor, Mary d. 11 Apr 1833 R 47 S 151
  Bestor. In this city on Thursday evening April 11, Mrs. Mary Bestor, consort of Chauncey Bestor, Esq. and second daughter of Mr. John McLeod of the General Post Office. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her father this morning at half past 10 o'clock.  
  Bestor, Orson H. d. 2 Jan 1901 71 yrs. R 47 S 148
  Bestor. On Wednesday, January 2, 1901 at 11 p.m., Orson H. Bestor, aged 74, son of the late Capt. Chauncey Bestor. Interment Friday, January 4 at 3 p.m. at Congressional Cemetery.  
  Bestor, Owen H. d. 4 Mar 1857 47 yrs. R 47 S 142
  Bestor. On the 4th instant, Owen Bestor in the 48th year of his age, after a short illness. His funeral will take place tomorrow (Friday) from his late residence on G between 12 and 13th streets at 3 o’clock p.m. His friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend.