Belt, Bertie L. | d. 17 Aug 1947 | 73 yrs. | R 121 S 176C-2 | |
Belt, Bertie Lee. On Sunday, August 17, 1947, Bertie Lee Belt of 145 11th st. s.e., beloved sister of Mrs. Ola Trazzore of Cabin John, Md. Services at the S.H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Tuesday, August 19, at 2 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
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Belt, Carrie May | d. 23 Jul 1875 | 10 mos. | R 73 S 43 | |
Belt. On the 23d inst. after a painful illness, Carrie M. Belt, infant daughter of Thomas W. and Mary C. Belt. Funeral will take place at her parents' residence No. 423 L street between 4th and 5th street northwest, Sunday evening at 3 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend.
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Belt, Edna Grace | d. 19 Mar 1913 | 20 yrs. | R 25 S 106 | |
Belt. On Wednesday, March 19, 1913, at 8:30 o'clock a.m., at the residence of her parents, 505 Seward square, Edna Grace, beloved daughter of John C. and Margaret A. Belt in the twentieth year of her age. Funeral private on Friday, March 21 at 2 o'clock p.m. from her late residence. Interment in Congresssional cemetery (Baltimore papers please copy).
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Belt, Francis A. | d. 6 Jun 1927 | 90 yrs. | R 121 S 176C2 | |
Belt, Irene R. | d. 24 Nov 1928 | 65 yrs. | R 146 S 260 | |
Belt, Irene R. Suddenly, on Saturday, November 24, 1928, at the residence, 1012 Eye st. s.e., Irene R. Belt the beloved wife of the late Benjamin C. Belt and mother of Alfred W. Belt. Funeral services from the late residence, 1012 Eye st. s.e., on Tuesday, November 27, at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited.
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Belt, John C. | d. 13 May 1928 | 81 yrs. | R 44 S 97 | |
Belt. On Sunday, May 13, 1928, John C., beloved husband of Margaret Alice Belt, aged 81 years. Funeral from W.W. Deal's funeral home, 816 H st. n.e., on Tuesday, May 15, 1928, at 2 p.m. Funeral private. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
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Belt, Mary C. | d. 17 Jun 1892 | 57 yrs. 11 mos. 10 days | R 1 S 8 | |
Belt. On Friday, June 17, 1892, at 8:05 p.m., after a short illness, Mary C. Belt, beloved wife of Thomas W. Belt, at her residence, 2226 Cleveland place northwest, aged 57 years 11 months and 10 days.
Our mother is sleeping so free from all pain,
Funeral will take place at Hamline M.E. Church, corner Ninth and P streets northwest, on Sunday, June 19, at 3:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited.
O wake her not, sweet spirit, to suffer again. She slumbers so soundly, O let her sleep on; Her sickness is ended, her troubles are gone. O think how she suffered and moaned with pain; In the long night hours we soothed her, Till God in His mercy sent down from above An angle to whisper a message of love. May she rest in peace.
By Her Children | ||||
Belt, Rachel A. | d. 18 Mar 1905 | 63 yrs. 7 mos. 19 days | R 121 S 176C-1 | |
Belt. On Saturday, March 18, 1905 at 12:35 p.m. after a brief illness, Rachel A., beloved wife of Francis A. Belt. Funeral from Trinity M.E. Church, 5th street and Pennsylvania avenue southeast, Tuesday, March 21 at 3 p.m.
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Belt, Thomas W. | d. 5 Sep 1901 | 78 yrs. | R 73 S 43 | |
Belt. Departed thi slife, September 5, 1901 at 1 o'clock p.m., Thomas W. Belt, aged 78 years. Funeral to be held at his son's residence, 1520 Rosedale street northeast, Saturday, September 7, at 2 p.m.
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Belt, William H. | d. 5 Aug 1875 | 3 yrs. | R 73 S 43 | |
Belt. On Thursday, August 5th at 20 minutes past 5 p.m. after a painful illness, Willie H. Belt, youngest son of Thomas W. and Mary C. Belt, aged 3 years. Funeral will take place from his parent's residence, No. 423 I street, between 4th and 5th n.w., Saturday at 2 o'clock p.m. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.