Beahm, Edward C. | d. 15 Jun 1942 | 95 yrs. | R 99 S 246 |
Beahm, Edward C. On Monday, June 15, 1942, Edward C. Beahm, the beloved husband of the late Tallitha Beahm and father of Martha V. Shanar and Mrs. Leroy J. Allian of New Orleans, Mrs. William Van Skallar of California, Henry C. and Luther A. Beahm. Funeral from the Deal funeral home, 816 H st. n.e., on Wednesday, June 17, at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. |
Beahm, Hubert H. | d. 29 Jan 1937 | 58 yrs. | R 96 S 290 |
Beahm, Hubert H. Suddenly, on Friday, January 29, 1937, Hubert H. Beahm, the beloved son of Edward O. Beahm and father of Theodore E. Beahm, Mrs. Neva M. Grant, Mrs Vallie L. Jenkins and Mrs. Heater V. Wilson. Funeral services at the W.W. Chambers Co. funeral home, 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Tuesday, February 2, at 2 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. |
Beahm, Tallitha S. | d. 15 May 1914 | 60 yrs. | R 99 S 246 |
Beahm. On Friday, May 15, at 12:45 a.m., at her late residence, 111 4th street southeast, Tallitha, beloved wife of Edward C. Beahm. Funeral from her late residence, Monday, May 18, at 2 o'clock p.m. Relatives and friends invited. |